@karlboll can you please take a look at the messages @ascame is sending me in chat? They are really bullying me and making me very sad. Please help me.
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bensen · 29 comments
17 weeks ago
· 17 weeks ago
Why can't I tell her to stop? I've been on this site for a long time, and back then people actually used to post 'fun' things, chat about topical things. Even the rules say the posts are meant to be fun, and not to spam things. I guess when they changed the admins from Zeus and Chronos everything went downhill? From 2017 it was just a lot of bots posting things, that's when a lot of people started to leave FS. The mods now don't even do anything about bots, and the footfall of this site had dropped drastically. Barely any new content because only a few people are posting. Nowadays you don't see a lot of interesting posts. No offence but how does OP even contribute to anything here apart from writing what she's doing every day as if this is her personal blog/diary? I'm getting so tired of it and don't understand why all of you don't see it the same way. When I started using FS, every user would have slated her for spamming in chat and for useless content.
· 17 weeks ago
@acosme Why does this bother you so much? I have friends here who will protect me and we just want to be left alone. Go away please.
· 17 weeks ago
Because it's annoying.
· 17 weeks ago
Can you just leave me alone please? I don’t want to fight so please just leave things be.
· 17 weeks ago
@acosme There you go again, complaining about how everything is bad on this site and yet you haven't contributed a damn thing in all your time here, except whining. Bensen posts updates, sometimes pictures. She's a contributor with original content that people enjoy. Is your life really so pathetically meaningless that all you can do is piss and moan? If the site is so bad then why don't you do everyone a favour and leave.
· 17 weeks ago
· 16 weeks ago
bensen original content posts: 73
ascsme original content posts: 0
Maybe contribute something before flapping your lips
ascsme original content posts: 0
Maybe contribute something before flapping your lips
· 16 weeks ago
Lol. I'm not a poster though? I'm more of a lurker. And I did have posts before the 2018 purge when the mods removed a lot of posts to free up space.
And how is her content anything original or 'fun'? Rather they're pointless, random images. Not even memes or anything amusing. And her pohots of herself aren't even posted in the correct category.
And how is her content anything original or 'fun'? Rather they're pointless, random images. Not even memes or anything amusing. And her pohots of herself aren't even posted in the correct category.
· 16 weeks ago
Even if I was posting still, I'd put something entertaining and not post endless babble about my daily life of the chat section.
· 16 weeks ago
Sounds like a you problem. Bensen is contributing to the website. You are being an ass. Like @karlboll said, start posting or stfu
· 5 weeks ago
Yawn. Haven't logged in a long time and see you're still defending this useless user who points nothing about her daily life. Funsubsyabce you have changed. BTW I probably won't see your response since I barely use this.
· 5 weeks ago
You guys are like in your 50s and it's quite sad that you enjoy using this site.
· 5 weeks ago
@ascsme Doesn't post anything, just logs in to say how they don't log in and is being a basic bitch about other users. Yeah, pretty sure you're the most useless user on the site, bots included.
· 4 weeks ago
I'm a lurker. I'm not expected to post. Most of us here are lurker. If every single user were contributing by posting, then we would have a multitude of posts. But you do you.
· 4 weeks ago
@ascsme And yet here you are, pissing and moaning again, about how everyone sucks but you. Thought you said you probably wouldn't see any replies. Tests showed that was a lie.
· 4 weeks ago
Not really a lie. I hadn't used this for quite before I made that comment. I was still logged in (such as even now) so I noticed the notification.
Shame, I thought you were one of the cool people here who's not transphobic unlike many of the other users. There were so many transphobic posts here that were allowed the be on this site since I started, so it was nice to see that at least not everyone was.
Shame, I thought you were one of the cool people here who's not transphobic unlike many of the other users. There were so many transphobic posts here that were allowed the be on this site since I started, so it was nice to see that at least not everyone was.
· 4 weeks ago
Anyway I think bensen got the message about not spamming so much anymore, it's been about 2/3 days with nothing from her. Also, I wasn't the only one complaining
· 4 weeks ago
You are literally the only one complaining.
· 4 weeks ago
And it worked. Less spam now.