

I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)

— ChangeTheWorld Report User
Detroit, goddam 17 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
They obviously feel strongly about this, but I think he is wrong about the taking away kids part. CPS reviews cases with abuse and neglect, and anyone who has gone through mandated reporter training should know that the poverty is NOT a reason to report someone/is not held against parents.
Cats know too much 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Sidenote: we do use the term non-verbal but only to describe things that can't communicate. For example, if we say a behavior is controlled by "nonverbal stimuli," we could be talking about an object, smell, sound, etc. (but NOT a person).
Cats know too much 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Sure! In ABA, verbal behavior is essentially any kind of communication such as speaking, using sign language, pointing or gesturing, etc. Therefore, saying that someone is non-verbal implies that they cannot communicate at all, which is highly unlikely. Instead, we would say that a person is non-vocal if they cannot speak. For example, I work with many clients who are non-vocal, but talk to me through sign language or an APP.
Cats know too much 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Correction: nonvocal. It's an important distinction! #abaadvocate
Pants. 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
I think it might be one of Hitler's paintings. But now that you've said it @catfluff, I can totally see where you are coming from lol
He was always there 7 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
IF you like mind-benders. It'd definitely not a straight forward, casual watch.
Water is the spice of life 7 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
I thought they prosecuted on whether or not their was enough evidence, not whether or not it is "worth it." And technically isn't that someone else's job - to determine whether or not to prosecute. Cops just press charges?
Water is the spice of life 7 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
I would think that the police do not have a choice. As stupid as it is, if the water is technically stolen, then they'd have an obligation to follow-up.
I propose a toast 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Just cause of quarantine? Because I recently read about a guy who saw a girl dancing on a rooftop across the street, sent a drone over with his # on it, and then had a video-chat date from their rooftops/balconies.
"Hey...You gotta minute?" 6 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
That is not typical.
Your daily dose of redhead. Which implies there's a shortage of redhead in your life 17 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Right? I was going to ask how I can have a shortage of redheaded-ness when I am a redhead.
The thing about war is, it makes no got dam sense 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
If this is the same incident that I think it is, they didn't resume fighting for awhile either. I think they faked it for awhile.
Now I'm really looking forward to the couple of days we will spend in Paris, thanks 6 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Paris was very clean when I was there a few years ago. Now, Rome on the other hand, was just like the second picture. Trashy and smelly and overcrowded.
Free hong kong 4 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
What did the guy do?
When you hire an engineer as your graphic designer 6 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
I actually like this. I hate how overwhelming it is trying to find things on labels/shelves with 1,000 colors and designs and random nonsense written all over it.
Measure twice, cut once... As they say 1 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
He got it fixed and made a funny comment about his mistake. All good.
The more you know.. 5 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
I know this isn't THAT funny, but I just burst out laughing. And every time I tried to explain to my husband what was so funny, I would start laughing again. I ended up laughing til I was crying.
Piani get the thirst, also 12 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
It's a bit outside my quarantine zone right now :p but maybe someday
Mont-Saint-Michel Island during low tide 3 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
I've been there and it was one of my favorite places on my trip!
Piani get the thirst, also 12 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Oh. my. gosh. I want to do that.
Well move over Sarah I need me some Medea 24 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
In this U.S., if people said "chicken burger" it was mostly likely made out of ground chicken shaped into a patty. If it it anything like what is in this post, it would be called a chicken sandwich.
I made dis 3 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Checked the comments hoping to see this - was not disappointed.
Priorities 16 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
Weird how these posts are always targeted at religious centers. Not the stadium of the person's favorite football team, the mansion of their favorite celebrity, or even their own house compared to those in 3rd world countries. I've gone to small and large churches, and guess what? We need buildings so we have a place to gather and organize. It helps us help the community.
If I can help one person, it was all worth it 7 comments
changetheworld · 4 years ago
right @mialinay ! I've always been a light sleeper and sensitive to light. I recently moved to a house close to a main road, and the headlights of the cars that go by at night definitely keep me up. When I complain, my husband says "close your eyes," and I go "They are closed! I can still see it!"