

I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)

— ChangeTheWorld Report User
I get one call? 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
The sad part is that weekend jail is a real thing.
It's time we take control of ourselves 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I know several people who put ranch on EVERYTHING.
I am old 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I can be like this, but it has to do more with life situation than age. Many people my age are single, living at home, just starting careers, etc. However, I got married young, have been working on my career, bought a house, etc. Not saying that I'm better or anything, just that I've been through experiences that can help people my age.
My friend got me into this recently. It's beautiful 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
"spontaneous" .... really? That looked very choreographed and planned. Enjoyed the music though.
15kg hen from Madagascar 11 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Post #1, hi guys! 17 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I, and most other Americans I know, have a tea kettle. I feel like a lot of homes always have a kettle sitting on the back corner burner of the stove.
Colored by nature, by Faye Halliday 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Wow, I love this.
He could have my business 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I know what it is saying @maebubbles , but I just think it sounds vaguely threatening (kinda like @catfluff said).
matrimony 14 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Came here to say that. I second your recommendation.
He could have my business 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I know it isn't supposed to be, but it seems really ominous to me.
Crikey!!! 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Obviously the picture implies it is something bad, but I've never seen this before. What's it called?
Potato masher in a drawer 1 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
So. true.
Lake lenevskoe, dmitrovskij district 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I'd love to see the angle it was painted from, so I can see how it matches up with the surroundings. :)
Politicians these days 13 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I believe it is a reference to slavery, and the fact the black people were originally only counted as 3/5th of a person in the constitution.
Every damn time 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Is whoever he was helping ok?
Bees 16 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I'm a beekeeper, so nope. I also work in a situation where this has happened, and still nope. I don't run away.
Snowy trail in California 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Clothespin? I think I may have been here.
Words of comfort 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I was about to say something like "don't be afraid, it's really fun!" But then I remember the first time I ever went camping, a guy in the same campground came up to us to let us know there were bears around, but then added it was ok because "he had his machete."
Tablecloths serve no practical purpose 8 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Disagree. I know several people who have or bought "nice tables" and then they ALWAYS have it covered with a table cloth. What is the purpose of a nice table then?! I'd rather have it be seen and enjoy the nice table (plus avoid all the laundry from the tablecloths). If it gets damaged over time, so be it. That's literally how everything works.
"Acktually..." 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Champagne can only be called Champagne if it comes from the Champagne region of France. If it comes from anywhere else, it is called sparkling wine. This post is just a play on that.
I just cussed my cat out for meowing at me and didn't like her tone 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
STORY TIME! On my last family beach vacation, my brother-in-law had a bad morning. Just little things like losing sunglasses, kid scraping knee, etc. But then when we were setting up at the beach, part of the umbrella broke. My sister was kinda like "go ahead and break it more" (so he could let off some steam and so it would fit in the trashcan). So he went ahead and slammed it over his knee to bend in half, and we laughed. Then he kept slamming it. Into the ground. Then he started kicking it. Then he threw it as hard as his could, and just ran full out into the ocean. Didn't even stop after he dove into a wave. He just kept going further and further. Everyone, including my sister, had just been staring in silent horror. Eventually, I asked "Is he coming back?". I have never seem someone "normal" just lose their mind like that.
When you're octopus-slapping mad 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago