

I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)

— ChangeTheWorld Report User
Who else has a junk drawer 31 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
East coast thing, too
Albert !!! 9 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Ok, but somebody should check on David.
Giant hives hanging from the ceiling enclosed in a glass case with outdoor access at Home 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Also, I became a bee keeper this year, and in the class I took, I learned that bees put off A LOT of heat. The instructor said a package of bees in his garage easily raised the temperature 10 degrees. So imagine what this would do in a house.
Giant hives hanging from the ceiling enclosed in a glass case with outdoor access at Home 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
So I've seen a couple things like this at museums and such, and I've wondered how the light affects the bees. Because in the wild, or in typical wood-box hives that beekeepers use, there would be little to no light in the hive. Does it confuse them? I want to know!
Compact bed 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
That's awesome for storing a bed frame, but where do you keep the mattress?
Call me anything you like 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Even better.
Annie Oakley is one of the best shooters 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
This isn't part of the song! You were supposed to say "I can do anything better than you."
Annie Oakley is one of the best shooters 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
"Anything you can do, I can do better."
Outdoor shower 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
At first I was like "that looks cool." Then I was like "Wait, are those windows into the shower?!" No thank you.
She knows what's up 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Agree and disagree. A large cost of the wedding is the guests. So no, don't waste money on stupid things like spending a small fortune just on the dress. But I don't think celebrating with loved ones is a waste. I was pretty cheap for my wedding, but I have a really big family (and so does my husband), so it was almost $10,000 (even keeping guests pretty much to immediate family a 10 closest friends). But yeah, after the excitement of the fleeting wedding day, your gonna wish that $20,000 went into a down payment or something which you can live in for a long time.
how could they delete this!!! it's too pure 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Things always doesn't go smooth with me 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
My phone started recently doing it too. Suspicious. Maybe they want everyone to upgrade.
Only Tuesday 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Long story, but will try to give quick version. I work with special needs students that engage in high-intensity behaviors. A student was making lunch, hence the knife, and I unfortunately had to tell him no & deny access to something he really wanted. Let's just say he didn't take it well. Thankfully, we are well trained (and experienced) and were able to handle it will no injuries to student and very minimal injuries to staff (despite what you'd think with the amount of blood everywhere....seriously).
Only Tuesday 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Y'all, my tuesday involved an semi-attempted assault with knife. I think I earned this gif.
This bouquet is for your girlfriend! 8 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
You see the kind of shit I have to deal with? 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
"I know I hid the acorn in here somewhere."
He really loved t*ts 7 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Plot twist: They meant the bird.
Winging it 12 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I have those! And yes, I use them.
Poor husband 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
This implies she thought multiple people wanted to kill her and she wasn't sure which one hired him...
Non existent 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Either he is lying or that ring was originally way over priced? My engagement ring is also white gold and a bit bigger than that and was was still way less than $2,000 (with the wedding ring as well).
Shot like a boss! :D 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I thought he was going to spit out his water
When you overpack 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Totally depends on the person. My husband always packs way more than me.
Pretty cool serving idea 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I think it depends on the cuisine. Many cultures will put out several small dishes as condiment or palate cleanser type things to go with the larger entrees. And/or all the food is brought out and eaten family style.
Mont saint-michel sunset 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
One of my favorite places!