

I visited this site for a awhile and eventually realized that users knew each other. So I made an account in an attempt to become part of the community! Hi :)

— ChangeTheWorld Report User
I'M ABOUT TO F*CKIng puch a b*tch. 10 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Someone please explain to me!
Til 34 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
For those who are for this: At what day, exactly, do you believe an abortion is unethical? Because there are several comments that said it would be wrong to kill a person with disabilities after they are born, but not before birth. 1 hour before, 1 week before, 1 month before? I mean this sincerely, not angrily, but it baffles me and breaks my heart that most people say "before they are alive" but have do not have an educated belief on when that moment is. And it is absolutely critical in these kinds of ethical/legal situations.
These cat earrings 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I really want to like these, but something about the way the tail hangs just seems wrong to me.
Wait..what? 8 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I don't think that is true. When trying to think of an instrument for all kids to use in a general music class, it is cheap, small, and portable.
It ain't that hot 6 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Or netflix
Shower thoughts 9 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Why would you need surgery if you are impenetrable/invincible?
Another reason to like him 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Tricking them into thinking he discovered something previously impossible, by using a different, also seemingly impossible discovery.
Fun thing to do 7 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Students trying to get their doctorate have to write a dissertation. After they present it, they must leave the room while a panel decides if they earned it. This man is saying that when he calls the person back into the room, he calls them "doctor" (instead of their name) which is a sweet way to give the news that they passed.
Store to supply climbers with water & food during their climb in China 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
But who supplies the store?!
Moses 11 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Your comments aren't making any sense to me. First you talk about sacrificing and boiling goats, which are not talked about in any of the commandment passages (which is why I asked what you were talking about). Now you are talking about the 10 commandments being called that incorrectly, but telling me to read a passage that says "the ten commandments." I don't understand!
If that's not a safety hazard, I don't know what is 11 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Y'all are crazy. Most tiny homes are like this.
Chicken caught sleeping 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure chickens aren't suppose to sleep like that. None of mine do.
What? That f**ker ate Fred! Get 'em!!!!! 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
My honeybees have swarmed wasp like this to drag it out of the hive and pull it down to the ground.
Moses 11 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
What are you talking about? That is completely wrong. Read Exodus 20:1–13 and Deuteronomy 5:4–18.
If that's not a safety hazard, I don't know what is 11 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
You guys, this is clearly one of those "tiny homes."
Old blind man dehusks coconuts for a living 2 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I didn't even notice the knife til the end when it zoomed out. I thought he was pushing it against his leg and I was very impressed lol
This is real life 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
I don't understand while people buy food & drinks at movie theaters - the prices are too high!
Yeah I'm good 4 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
That actually seems cheap for what she is asking for
Police man protects and respect the cat on a busy 3 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
We'll never know. There's just no way to figure it out.
Every f**king time 9 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Of Mice and Men
Young boi didn't realize 5 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
Marriage is awesome. Don't listen to all the negativity.
English is the universal language of the skies 20 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
@metalman Well when you are in Europe, you can easily drive to other countries...sometimes in just a few hours. There is more exposure to other languages and more need to be multilingual. I could drive for a few hours here, and not even be out of my state - let alone in another country.
Excuse me? 8 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
My hubby is 11 years older than me, and we just had our 6th wedding anniversary :)
Great seller 8 comments
changetheworld · 6 years ago
They look suspiciously like Lay's