Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?
— CarbonTech Report User
A happy picture of a happy little painting in Bob Ross style 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I think it's great. Looking at it, you can almost see and hear him describing all those "simple" tricks he used to produce his paintings. Seems like you paid attention.
Drank out of a solid ice mug! 1 comments
Posted on The Rock’s Instagram 3 comments
· 4 years ago
You didn't show your work, but it's a beautiful afternoon'll allow it, lol. The real question is what's up with that $5 million Baby Yoda puppet? Then again, it's not as if they're paying him a salary.
Actual road sign in my town because too many people get lost in someone’s driveway 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Back in the day, my Reserve reconnaissance unit, used to conduct training in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Our latest maps had our routes indicated and we had to adhere to them as we practiced tactics and secure communication procedures. This involved using code words for roads and checkpoints, so that the always listening enemy could not track our movements. Driving down our assigned route, the road suddenly disappeared into a lake that the 5 year old map did not show. It was only by studying the map that we saw a note indicating the future site of a dam, several miles away. Our Captain, who lived in the area, and assigned our routes, had purposefully set a trap to see how we could indicate our dilemma, without actually referring to the lake and giving away our position. Much hilarity ensued as we played a version of Password. Good times.
Posted on The Rock’s Instagram 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Math Problem - Rich Celebrity Edition
The Rock is so rich, that if he wanted to, he could afford to have 64 Baby Yoda puppets built. Kevin Hart is worth $150 million. Since 1 Baby Yoda puppet costs $5 million! to build, how many more Baby Yoda puppets would the Rock own, if both he and Kevin Hart went insane and spent their fortunes on Baby Yoda puppets? Show your work....and BEGIN!
The Rock is so rich, that if he wanted to, he could afford to have 64 Baby Yoda puppets built. Kevin Hart is worth $150 million. Since 1 Baby Yoda puppet costs $5 million! to build, how many more Baby Yoda puppets would the Rock own, if both he and Kevin Hart went insane and spent their fortunes on Baby Yoda puppets? Show your work....and BEGIN!
Clear Lemon pie by Daria Khoroshavina 14 comments
· 4 years ago
It's a loop, and either someone walked past a light source or something like a ceiling fan was breaking up reflected light and it's refracting in the clear gelatin. If you look in front of the pie you can see the reflection in the plate also cycling.
Texas aquarium shows a sloth to the dolphins 3 comments
· 4 years ago
I'm having a vicarious thrill imagining what it's like for an intelligent creature like a dolphin, to see other living creatures, that it never could otherwise. Who knew it's so much fun watching animals watching other animals.
Emotional support Canadians be like .. 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh, and in the States, your Congressmen would be analogous to our 338 Members of Parliament, each representing an electoral district(riding) and elected by that riding's voters.
Emotional support Canadians be like .. 10 comments
· 4 years ago
I think that when they select their party leader, there is still a consideration given to overall "voter appeal". It's not as if the leader is automatically the smartest and/or most politically astute, just the most palatable to the party, and hopefully, the voters.
Wonders of nature 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Phew! For a moment, I thought it was another electoral map breaking down voting results.
Clear Lemon pie by Daria Khoroshavina 14 comments
· 4 years ago
About 1 in 12 males have a color blindness issue, while woman are about 1 in 250.The fascinating part is that, apparently, some women, exclusively, seem to manifest an amazing ability to discern 100 million colors as opposed to the average 1 million normal people can detect. The article I read mentioned a physician who could see otherwise imperceptible shades on people's faces that helped her in her diagnosis. Another example was a seemingly gray river, fed by multiple streams, that appeared as an entanglement of distinct shades to one of these super color vision owners AKA as tetrachromats.
Edited 4 years ago
Emotional support Canadians be like .. 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Canada has 5 political parties forming the current Parliament. Trudeau is the leader of the majority Liberal Party-a further left version of the Democrats, they elected the most MP's, so he gets to be the PM. During the 20th century, they have formed the Government for 70 of those years. The Official Opposition(next highest amount of elected MP's) Conservatives, are a less RW version of the Republicans. The 3 other parties are the Bloc Québécois-a regional party representing Quebec, the NDP-which is left of the Libs and the Green Party. The majority of Canada's population is in Ontario and Quebec, so they have a bigger impact than western Canada's more right leaning population. Like Americans, we identify with a party and sometimes rag on the others. Trudeau's PM, and so he's a target-not that he doesn't deserve to get ragged on, it just comes with the territory, even if you're actually doing a good job. More info.
Edited 4 years ago
Tiny skull on my eggs this morning 1 comments
Meanwhile, this morning in New Orleans 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Later that morning, at the ER: "So how'd you get that gash on your head?" "I had a few beers and, while paddling home, I did a kayak roll and banged it on a fire hydrant....seriously!"
Sometimes it helps me sort how I'm feeling when I use different names :) 17 comments
· 4 years ago
"Are you the, Kim-Jong Sexy Glorious Beast Divine Dick Father Lovely Iron Man Even Unique Poh Un Winn Charlie Ghora Khaos Mehan Hansa Kimmy Humbero Uno Master Over Dance Shake Bouti Bepop Rocksteady Shredder Kung Ulf Road House Gilgamesh Flap Guy Theo Arse Hole Im Yoda Funky Boy Slam Duck Chuck Jorma Jukka Pekka Ryan Super Air Ooy Rusell Salvador Alfons Molgan Akta Papa Long Nameh Ek, who hails from Malmö?"
"No, I get that a lot. I'm actually from Stockholm, but funny story, we sometimes get each other's mail. Why do you ask?"
Edited 4 years ago
"No, I get that a lot. I'm actually from Stockholm, but funny story, we sometimes get each other's mail. Why do you ask?"
Clear Lemon pie by Daria Khoroshavina 14 comments
· 4 years ago
We take it for granted, but the appearance of food influences our perception of its taste. Researchers took an ordinary tasting steak dinner and used food coloring to only change its look. Blue steak, black asparagus and green mashed potatoes, though tasting perfectly fine, disgusted most of the diners.
Here's something that had a similar effect on me. In 1993, SNL produced a fake commercial, riffing on a then new product, Crystal Pepsi. This pie instantly reminded me of that ad. Enjoy.
Edited 4 years ago
Here's something that had a similar effect on me. In 1993, SNL produced a fake commercial, riffing on a then new product, Crystal Pepsi. This pie instantly reminded me of that ad. Enjoy.
Political posting 5 comments
· 4 years ago
"Your" thoughts were echoing the exact bullshit coming out of Trump's camp-a dangerous and disingenuous attempt to push a distrust in the election process because a malignant narcissist is incapable of acting like an adult. Own it!
Political posting 5 comments
· 4 years ago
@thefandomisrising. BULLSHIT! You've NEVER seen a US Presidential election that took place during a worldwide pandemic. One that, nevertheless, drew out historic levels of voters and one, that due to the pandemic that had already killed over 200K Americans, had record amounts of mail-in ballots. Ballots that were purposefully slowed down by a Trump appointee, specifically installed for that EXACT purpose. Furthermore, despite pleas to Republican State Legislatures to allow early counting of these mail-in ballots, they refused to allow it. So now we have all the whiners crying about how it's taking too long-it isn't, and now you're pushing a LENGTHY do-over, lol, because it's "talking too long". Why just 20 years ago,it took 35 days for the Republicans to steal the election and your sniviling about less than a 10th of that time? Give me a break. Your self-serving bullshit is as transparent as Trump's.
Edited 4 years ago
Incredible save 3 comments
Pic by Sasha Juliard from Bali 2 comments
American elections got me like 8 comments
· 4 years ago
They didn't "suddenly" show up and they definitely weren't ALL for the other guy. Most
early mail votes were by Dems, about 76%, and the reason they are only now being counted is because REPUBLICAN State Legislatures REFUSED to change the rules to allow early counting. Furthermore, it wasn't the Dems who put a political appointee-a BIG Trump donor, in "charge" of the Post Office, who then cut overtime, dismantled sorting machines and had to be ordered by a judge to stop his ham handed attempts at thwarting the timely delivery of legally cast ballots. You don't get to set up roadblocks and then disingenuously whine like a little bitch about how long the trip is taking, unless your name is Trump, lol.
early mail votes were by Dems, about 76%, and the reason they are only now being counted is because REPUBLICAN State Legislatures REFUSED to change the rules to allow early counting. Furthermore, it wasn't the Dems who put a political appointee-a BIG Trump donor, in "charge" of the Post Office, who then cut overtime, dismantled sorting machines and had to be ordered by a judge to stop his ham handed attempts at thwarting the timely delivery of legally cast ballots. You don't get to set up roadblocks and then disingenuously whine like a little bitch about how long the trip is taking, unless your name is Trump, lol.
Weaponized polarity 11 comments
· 4 years ago
Exactly. If these 10 parties are all electing representatives, as is to be expected in the real world, with different regions and voting groups, such as urban vs rural, having different priorities, then the "winner" may not even lead the country. We now enter the wonderful world of coalitions, where 5 losers get together and form the majority, if the other 5 can't overcome their idealogical differences. So the "majority" will be represented theoretically, though there's a lot of infighting and horse trading involved, which means things move forward at a crawl.
Edited 4 years ago