How come I left this website a year ago and it's still exactly the fucking same?
— i'm back Report User
fat babies 11 comments
The British are coming! 2 comments
blacktext 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I suppose, but you didn't have to comment on every single one of my posts like that.
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
· 9 years ago
This is why I support a way to reduce people from getting obese like this. Make it more encouraged to lose weight but don't literally force someone to lose weight. It's their opinion.
blacktext 18 comments
· 9 years ago
No, you deliberately went on my profile and made over 30 comments in 10 minutes on my posts.
Now you go through my profile and have to comment everywhere I go within a day
Now you go through my profile and have to comment everywhere I go within a day
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
Women 63 comments
· 9 years ago
The fact that you have to say this blatantly how wrong this is just makes it all the more not right for this world
Oh, Bubbles... Also, I'm gonna be posting a lot 'cause I won't be around for a while :( 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh okay. I didn't want to offend, and I'm glad I got a sensible answer quickly.
Women 63 comments
· 9 years ago
I agree. I support women's rights but I'm not going to let myself be beat up by a feminazi while they say they're defending themselves.
Oh, Bubbles... Also, I'm gonna be posting a lot 'cause I won't be around for a while :( 12 comments
· 9 years ago
No offense, but are your posts really so demanded that you have to tell us why you can't post?
Women 63 comments
· 9 years ago
I hate the "rule" that guys can't hit girls. Of course, I understand rape and the like, but really, starting in Kindergarten and saying that a guy cannot touch a female classmate but she can beat him up just isn't fair and doesn't make sense.
You're (not) Fired! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I know, but it wouldn't fit. You don't have to go hunting for the rest of it.
You're (not) Fired! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I suppose, but knowing that this person is like this, I would just leave.
Thoughtful Norway government 13 comments
blacktext 18 comments
· 9 years ago
at least you only said "I believe" instead of really strongly.
If you did say it like that, I probably would've given you a really good burn.
If you did say it like that, I probably would've given you a really good burn.
I'm not trying to appeal to you if its not funny, and no one said you had to love it.