How come I left this website a year ago and it's still exactly the fucking same?
— i'm back Report User
That's When You Know Everything Is Wrong 44 comments
NASA recently released imagery showing the deforestation of America...In just 34 years 48 comments
· 9 years ago
Well you're commenting one of the most novice, rookie troll flame-war starters ever for no reason. So...
And your appraisal is very much lacking. The validity of your reply to mine is incredibly negative. You say that you approve of this. Yes, because using an idiotic comment calling it fake and homosexual means all the compliments.
And your appraisal is very much lacking. The validity of your reply to mine is incredibly negative. You say that you approve of this. Yes, because using an idiotic comment calling it fake and homosexual means all the compliments.
We're not asking the real questions 2 comments
South Park facts 10 comments
When a body part falls asleep 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I also turn into a weird guy with black hair and a yellow suit and my hand turns to static
Los Angeles, California with no light pollution 10 comments
Day 182 of your daily dose of cute: HALF A YEAR OF CUTENESS!!!! WHAT!! 9 comments
· 9 years ago
no actually it's 182 when you're halfway through the day, but technically it can't be 12PM everywhere so there is no half a year it's just 364 days and 366
A guy like you 6 comments
In celebration of Arizona's first 100° day of the season 10 comments
· 9 years ago
If you go to Florida then you have to deal with https://m.funsubstance.com/fun/102469/florida-man/
Best thank-you speech ever 19 comments
· 9 years ago
If you can see that your wife is a month pregnant when you just fucked her, something's wrong. Either way, that bitch while fictional deserves to be divorced
Card stacking on a cat 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Did OP do this twice and take the picture with everything at the exact same angle as if we wouldn't notice?
Poor lady 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I like how you say "You can't assume it's rape" if no one has said anything about it. You're the one who brought it to the table.
And although it wasn't a deliberate strike against the four girls, it was made specifically to kill or at least hurt people. It was just bad that it just happened to these girls.