Belgian Canaries have the best hairdos 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I was confused because there was a Safeway ad that said crunch better at the bottom of my screen.
"don't be sad hooman.. here.. cuddle me!" 6 comments
пчелиный фильм 2, кроме кошек и тигров 8 comments
· 6 years ago
It sounds terrifying though would it be a giant bee or a small tiger. My mind immediately went to giant bee and that just sounds unpleasant.
This is what happens when I try to be social 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah this happened to me. I got called random because when there was a lag in the conversation I would try to say what I had wanted to say. :/
Cosplay pictures aren't always as they seem. 9 comments
· 8 years ago
It's kinda bothering me but the first two pictures.... The books don't look like they match up....they look different
Wow 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I just wanted to say that sometimes it is best to leave things be and not drag politics into non-political situations
Em... Bazinga? 12 comments
· 8 years ago
You just heard that he said he wants it he might have already auditioned for it and is just saying that he hopes he gets the role.
Wow 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I think that you should realise that this is a stupid argument to have in relation to this post. This was just a post about a kid who didn't want to get in trouble. It is a kid imitating his mom so that she won't punish him for his bad grades. It in no way is related to politics. Unless you are concerned about kids dressed as their moms walking around all over the place. Which honestly isn't that big a deal and doesn't really relate to politics at all. This was a fun post please don't make it your job to ruin fun posts with racism, misguided fear, and political views.
Everyone in class at least once 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I feel really guilty but sometimes I would fall asleep in class and a teacher would call on me and be surprised when I answered the question correctly
Almost as bad as vegans 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Or it could be that she has to be on a gluten free diet. They could be allergic or have coeliac disease where they can not have gluten. Yes she keeps repeating it but that might be because she doesn't really have anything she can talk with the person about or it could be the situation where someone is offering food and she has to state that she can't have it because she is gluten free. That is something that has happened to me where people kept forgetting that I couldn't have gluten and would offer me things and I would have to remind them I couldn't have it. Also yes it could be annoying but that doesn't make it a hostile action and usually in work places they judge you on your qualifications not on the diet you have. The kids I can understand in some jobs that relate to dealing with kids but I don't understand if it happens in other jobs. Having kids can qualify you because that usually means you can deal with kids.
Who does this type of shit? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Well stating your opinion isn't whining all the time usually though the way you state your opinion can affect the way people view it. It can also depend on the subject you are commenting on. Like this one it is really petty. People are constantly accusing companies of cheating them. Then people like this come along and make it much worse. She is taking product away from one container and putting it in hers. The person who buys the one she took the product from is then cheated because of the her. As you said before they don't weigh it and most of the time people are too busy to bother checking everything they get at the store. With food it is easy but some products it isn't as easy to tell. So this person isn't stealing from the store or the company they are stealing from other customers.
Who does this type of shit? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually the price would increase because it is indeed heavier and would cost the company more to ship it to the stores so as their cost rose so would the price. As well as the fact that there would be more in the container. The price would rise because of the fact that there is more it does cost to produce stuff so if the cost of production rose the price of the product would increase as well. Also many containers are produced for flexibility when shipping. The pockets of air in packages do serve a purpose and that purpose is not to cheat the customer. It is to ensure the quality of the object and so the packages they are stored in don't burst as it is a fact that many liquids when frozen or brought to very low temperatures will expand which could cause the package to burst. There is actually a lot of thought put in to how they will ship the products as it would not do if upon arrival the product was damaged or the packaging was. people would t buy the product.
No clue what to call this 29 comments
How I feel when someone talks about how bad gluten is 46 comments
· 9 years ago
It's actually nice that it has become a fad diet. It has brought more understanding and more options to those of us that really can't eat gluten. Before it was quite difficult to find stuff that was gluten free and I would always feel guilty when I mentioned that I had celiac and needed gluten free food because it was also more expensive. Since the fad diet more options are available and also some of the prices have come down a bit.