It’s true 2 comments
· 3 years ago
More like no one immature wanna hear this
Rejecting humanity 101 3 comments
When a sex scene comes on a show you're watching with your parents 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Oh yeah when I was 15 or something my dad used to look at me if a kiss scene or something comes up to check if im looking...now I just stare at their face with eyes wide and then look at screen again with eyes as wide as possible
*Posting this while escaping h*rny jail* 13 comments
How do I buy stock in this? 7 comments
Danke 8 comments
· 3 years ago
I was confused for a while why does thank you in English mean harass in Spanish (hairass)
Todou plays Genshin impact 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Bruh I saved primos for her since like 3 months and finally got her and was not disappointed at all...shes amazing
You know 6 comments
It's something to think about 32 comments
· 3 years ago
So true man..
Especially in our country where they require us to invite like atleast a thousand people just to show off...
Especially in our country where they require us to invite like atleast a thousand people just to show off...
It's something to think about 32 comments
· 3 years ago
@interesting bruh @xvarnah is pretty accurate with this...this ain't as simple as it sounds
Hacker targetting child abusers 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Also why this is a really respectable deed is..cause it took a looot of effort for the hackers to do this. In the dark web there is no carbon footprints or IP addresses so it's almost impossible to find the culprits and that's the reason why dark web is used a lot for illegal stuff. So the hackers probably had to upload viruses to currupt the servers of these assholes who had childporn and just imagine how hard it would be to take out that huge chunk of internet through this method....
Anon isn't very romantic 4 comments