Rip booba 11 comments
· 4 years ago
Chotta matte
Spoiler: it's a Zombified Mountain Stone Weta (Hemideina maori) infested with parasites 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Thanks @xvarnah for the info...tho that's really creepy damn...I love lotr yep and also if you can see those parasites wriggling under the skin....plus 10 marks to creepyness
20 years I had waited... for this question!! I Nailed it!! 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Mewtwo kinda looks like how I imagine the love child of frieza and beerus would look like
The Brain is held in the badonkadonk 2 comments
Or maybe just take my word for it 3 comments
Just burn the house down 1 comments
Return to wendigo 7 comments
Falling for the wrong person 6 comments
· 4 years ago
People: looks at me only when they forgot that they staring into nothingness and now seems like they are looking at me but not actually
Me: understandable have a nice day
Me: understandable have a nice day
coff 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I dunno if it was me not getting enough sleepsince weeks or coffee or both lol but this meme is so relatable
coff 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I got home Iike a zombie and my parents asked if they should call a doc...I just told them I need sleep....I slept for 15 hours approx and wake up more refreshed than I've ever been my whole life, later my uncle told me I went to the wrong hall and almost failed but the professor was kind enough to get me back to my own exam hall..and he told my uncle later "tell him not to smoke ganja(weed) before exams"...and I don't remember any of this
coff 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Recently I had exams and I didn't sleep cause I have insomnia and it get worse during important dates cause of stress...I thought I would sleep during exams so I was making coffee and Normally I take 2-2.5 spoon of coffee but this time I didn't have time to find the spoon so I just poured the packet in.(probably 4-5 spoons worth..I was extremely sleepy so I thought fuckk it I'll just drink it..as soon as I took the second sip I knew I'm woke..cause normally coffee doesn't work that much on me(still I take it for the placebo) and I still drank the whole thing..after drinking I found out the coffee was expired since 2 months.. anyway I still left for my exams and there was 1 hour of car ride and i asked my relative to drive me cause I wasn't really at my best, whole ride I was extremely tired with heart rate that felt like i was running miles, I went into the examhall and I feel like I'm gonna puke or die but well I still wrote stuff...(I don't remember what I wrote)
Avada Kedavra 8 comments
· 4 years ago
That's why they showed Hogwarts in movies and not American wizarding schools
Edited 4 years ago