

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions

— bethorien Report User
Or they didn't pay enough bribes 1 comments
bethorien · 1 year ago
explanation of why this happens:
its not that critics are vastly different in opinion to the average person, its that the numbers there are calculated differently.
A "tomatometer" score of 90% doesnt mean the average critic score was 9/10
it means that 90% of critics scored the movie "positively". that could mean 9 critics scored a move 6/10 and one scored it 4/10 or it could mean that 9 critics scored it 10/10 and one scored it 4/10, either way both would be labeled as a tomatometer score of 90%.
This means an absolutely "meh" movie that got super average reviews that were generally "it was already, 6/10" would be scored better on critical review than a movie that had a handful of critics that hated it scoring like 1 or 2 out of 10 while the rest gave glowing massive recommendations of 10/10.
4 1/10 scores, a 4/10 score, and 5 10/10 scores will be scored as a 50% critic rating
but 6 6/10s and 4 4/10s scores as a 60%.
Tateposting 3 comments
bethorien · 1 year ago
this is a reference to the fact that andrew tate got arrested by the romanian police because he left a pizza box from a local pizza restaurant in frame. That let the police know he was in romania. They had the warrent ready for him, they were just waiting on hard evidence he was in the country before moving to actual do anything.
The meme is written in the style of "hiding an accusation in a rambling question" that Columbo, the character pictured at the bottom, would do in the show of the same name
Anyone know if this is true? 2 comments
bethorien · 1 year ago
This did happen. If this happened in the US the university would get HELLA sued, and would HELLA lose. Idk the laws in Malawi so what they did may be legal and unactionable. Their official reason for revoking the degree is that she acted in a way that was intended to hurt the reputation of the university which is hilariously stupid. In the US, to revoke a degree that you earned through the normal college process they would have to claim you failed to meet the requirements for it OR prove that you did some academic misconduct to earn the degree, there would have to be an investigation, there would be a hearing. If they decided that you did indeed do such you'd then get an opportunity to appeal it, etc etc. It's a whole process. The fact that university seems to believe they can just do whatever the fuck they want for whatever reason they want is rather disturbing.
2 · Edited 1 year ago
Yikes from me chief 1 comments
bethorien · 1 year ago
its likely that, in the case they all come up like that, that either there was some accidental cross contamination or she's allergic to something used in the process of applying the tests
They cant beat Ukraine but can beat us? Comedians 22 comments
bethorien · 1 year ago
one thing with that too is that there's always the human element. Even if russia nuked all of nato, would the people controlling the nukes on the receiving end be willing to end the world, effectively just taking literally everyone else down with them?
They cant beat Ukraine but can beat us? Comedians 22 comments
bethorien · 1 year ago
russia is losing against ukraine because they arent using nukes
they could easily "win" against them by dropping nukes on a the big places, but thats not what they want, they want the land, the territory, and the resources, and their actual military isnt good enough to do that apparently. They seem to have basically not changed tactics or equipment doctrines since the soviet era. But a nuke is a nuke.
Against the US they probably also want the same things, but as a secondary goal. Their primary goal with attacking the US would be destroying an enemy, removing a threat, "putting them down" as the post says. Their statement isnt wrong, they do have the nukes required to do that. They just also lose if that happens, they just also get nuked, probably by all of nato, much means all of nato also probably gets nuked.
· Edited 1 year ago
Also, drink some water. You need it. 6 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
wouldn't it be the committee to stop conmen from being caught since being caught is kinda counter to the subjective needs of said conmen? If your committee is catching conmen i would assume you would want no conmen there because the people that are having their need's disussed are "people that fall for cons from conmen" rather than the conmen themselves.
Having a normal one 5 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
You'll still have issues with some people just getting absolutely worthless families that do not treat them well for absolutely no fault of their own, but there should be an exception based safety net for that rather than completely deconstructing the concept of a family. It's the whole idea of like, not breaking down the typical instance so the worst is relatively better, rather making the worst individually better by bettering it, making the whole better in the process.
Having a normal one 5 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
it's a similar issue to teaching life skills in public school. Not everyone is going to get those from home. Not everyone is going to have parents that can or want to teach them the life skills they need. The same is true for what she's talking about. Not every nuclear family is going to give the love and care that is needed. A system that requires people get X need met by their family is a system that punishes innocent people, people that might have done everything in their power correctly, for being born to the wrong family.
Personally, my issue with her concepts isnt that she dislikes the concept of a nuclear family. Im 100% on board with the nuclear family becoming less common. My issue is that point of dispersion of it. Extended family should be more involved with each other. Fulling destroying the concept's that make up the nuclear family is a bit too far. Most of these problems could be solved in most cases by just having more of the family involved in the lives of each other.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Least unhinged twitter thread 3 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
its decently common in that kind of culture. Any culture with that "marauder" aspect to them tended to also take PEOPLE when they raided. Since we've seen evidence of the vikings all around the world from the America's all the way to the middle east idk why anyone would be surprised that sex happened too.
Crisis averted 21 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
the main issue with making the little mermaid black is the fact its a self defeating act. The point of doing it from a "doing it for a purpose rather than happening to pick a black chick to be the actress" is representation related stuff, however a common trend in the past however long is replacing characters previously depicted as a redhead as black. This is functionally taking a demographic represented less, removing an instance of representation for them, and then replacing it with a more common demographic.
Natural redheads are a demographic that make up less people out of most populations than lgbt people in the same population.
If the goal of the act is to help with positive representation for minorities, that has a net neutral effect on the goal, it doesnt advance it. It's trading one thing for another. Redhead's still have not uncommon issues with old stereotypes and disparagements. There are still genuinely people who believe redheads are soulless, who are afraid of them.
3 · Edited 2 years ago
Hug yourself before you thug yourself 2 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
"The difference in meaning is usually explained with some variation of the following: sympathy is when you share the feelings of another; empathy is when you understand the feelings of another but do not necessarily share them. " -merriam webster
Guys don't have to read this. 4 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
oh, i was interested in the dry hair advice :(
Good dog 7 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
lower hunter turn out is going to start becoming a problem in many areas. The wildlife department uses hunting as population control, ecological control. If an animal's population gets too dense it starts running the risk of extinction. In the case of deer like the meme shows there's diseases like blue tongue that can absolutely fuck up deer populations, but only if their population is dense enough that its spreading fast enough to out-spread its lethality. Even right now in man areas the amount of deer killed isn't enough to keep the population from growing too quickly.
Darth Tyrannosaurus 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
post-rule of 2 the sith tend to keep their "faces" separate, dooku is a strange case. His title of count is actually proper, his family are nobility on the planet he's from, and since he's an ex-jedi, a high profile ex-jedi associated with the grandmaster of the order, his outward face is the one that people associate with his interactions with the seperatists. Since his interacts with the seperatists involve the usage of a red blade and dark side force abilities he's fairly safely "out" as a sith, but WHICH sith he is isn't publically known.
Enjoying your pod yet? 2 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
thats literally just a barracks...
So in all 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
the issue appears primarily to be that the person that took the picture did it a disservice. It's cut extremely cleanly directly straight up and down, rather than torn in two. Actual chicken meat cooked by kfc would likely look similar when cut like that. All the other images of the stuff i can find online seem to be torn by hand rather than cut and I wouldnt be able to tell the difference just looking at it.
What good is life without steak 7 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
while a lot of the remaining 30% are likely vegan or vegetarian, id bet a decent portion of them just don't give that much weight to food in general
Rank10yugioh has literally destroyed Sony 3 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
they released the movie in theatres a second time because that tweet sparked enough memes to make them to legitimately think that all of the world just happened to have prior obligations for the entire original theatre run time.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
When she makes that position 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
They served different combat roles. The TE was made to be effective at fighting a cold, unfeeling host of metal enemies. It was for a time of war where uncountable identical men fought uncountable identical machines. The AT-AT was made for a time of subjegation, it wasnt built to be amazingly effective at as a main battle vehicle. It's an armored troop transport thats designed to be imposing. It's massively tall for intimidation factor, and all of its weapons are entirely front facing because its meant to be used in lines, slowly advancing on an enemy thats weapons cannot penetrate the hull of it. It existed to terrify the subjegated and move soldiers around.
· Edited 2 years ago
The meme came true 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
if you think the military wasn't excruciatingly gay long before this i dont think youve ever seen the military
Social media moment 11 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
what about blackberries?
Ugh same .. 4 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
i was very confused at first, i thought that first bit said "she's a 10 but she's 14" and got very relieved after rereading it
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Weird… 11 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
is this yankovic before the curls?
Only Shiro can save you 13 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
games that dont use that method generally have the difficult task of figuring out what a "fair and fun" balance of aim quality is, if the enemies use the same weapon profiles as you do, etc. Positioning in a fps is also far more complex than in chess. Theres a whole 3d world with cover, concealment, sight lines, distance, etc to deal with.