

Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions

— bethorien Report User
Only Shiro can save you 13 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
idk if guest_ mentioned it or not because i just skipped his stuff as im just checking the funsub before bed, but in the case of FPS shooters the difficulty isnt in making a bot thats good. With Chess making a better smarter bot is the primary point of advancements, with a bit of a shift nowadays towards "learning your skill level" stuff but as far as i can tell thats not the chess AI doing it, its a different AI matching you with a given difficulty bot to learn more about how you fair against various strengths.
With FPS games the difficulty is in making a fair bot. If the devs wanted to make the bot play as good as possible it would always hit you in the head every time it fired, never missing always firing the frame that its possible to kill you every single time. interestingly some FPS games do actually do this, but the damage the player deals is a vastly larger percentage of the total health of the enemies compared to the enemies damage percentage of the players total health (cont)
Back away 3 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
general kenoli?
White people dont like spicy food... Pfft 3 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
god i love this site, getting downvoted for saying that a lot of hicks in cherokee territory are mixed race lol
It wasn't that long ago that the Dutch ate their prime minister 7 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
So just for context of what this is all about, the netherlands passed a legistlative action to require each of its regions to set up a region specific strategy for reducing nitrogen emissions. Each province has a different nitrogen reduction goal set by the national government based on their level of contribution to nitrogen pollution.
Farmers in the netherlands responded to this by blocking roads with tractors and fishermen blocked ports with their ships.
The dutch minister of justice had this to say about the situation
“Several highways are currently blocked by farmers. You don’t make your point by endangering road users. This can have serious consequences. Then the police have no choice but to intervene where possible, if necessary afterwards. Don’t let it get that far.”
-Justice Minister Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius
White people dont like spicy food... Pfft 3 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
idk about other places but around here a good deal of the "rednecks/hicks/etc" aren't white, they are mixed. Around here its some combination of Hispanic, white, and/or native, usually one of the first 2 mixed with the third.
That's about it 5 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
supposedly wandavision was good but i never watched it
Butcher approves this message 4 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
count would be a county which is a different thing.
society 4 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
its not directly an issue of itself, its an issue of consequence.
The majority of people with influence or power are men, people that are married to someone with influence or power are generally referenced as the spouse of the influential person. Youll still see this happening to men who are married to powerful women. This is also very common with other familial relations, siblings parents children etc. It's effective. People that know about the influential person but not the relation will be more likely to click it with that formatting but a person that knows the work of the person in question will still likely recognize them and click anyways. It's just a clickbait tactic.
Attack dropship unlocked 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
appo got his leg fucked up by the apprentice senator organa saw die. he wouldn't have been in the field during yoda and obi-wans daytime trip to the temple.
Someone explain why water is dangerous in airports? 17 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
also just going to point out that all this security is theatre, its an act put on to make people feel like the government is doing something useful, when in reality its fairly worthless. The TSA has been shown multiple times in multiple different ways to be completely worthless. The TSA fail almost all breach tests they are subjected to at 95% failure, their training is showned to only have 11% of their behavioral markers being even cited to any scientific with only 5 of the 20 sources fitting pear review standards. 137 out of 178 of their behavior markers are from "news articles, opinion pieces, presentations created by law enforcement entities and industry groups, and screen shots of online medical websites that do not meet GAO's definition of valid evidence."
Here's the report that quote is from
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Tax money being put to good use again 16 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
you didn't say anything about self impregnation that im aware of, the correction was to this
"However, it is possible for a hermaphrodite (or intersex person) to have functional reproductive organs of either or both sex(es). "
specifically the "or both" part, hence the stuff about how, as far as im aware, you can't have both bits function to the degree of impregnating someone else and also getting pregnant.
Honestly this kind of topic is always really interesting. genetics and environmental factors can do some crazy fascinating shit to the body
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Tax money being put to good use again 16 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
also any child born of the hypothetical situation mentioned above would likely be very problematic as the chimera situation would create a human that is functionally their own non-identical twin and thats not good for the genetic lottery.
Tax money being put to good use again 16 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
just a very slight "im pretty sure its a correction" to this
as far as im aware a human can't develop in a way that allows both the "fathering" of a child as well as pregnancy. There's a hypothetical situation in which a human could self fertilize if they were formed as a chimera (2 pre-fetus twins fuse into one being) by having a left right split where the left gonadal mass is testicular and the right functions as an ovary but as far as im aware it shouldn't be possible, and hasnt yet been recorded as having happened, for a human to both be able to impregnate someone else and also become pregnant themselves.
The letter R 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
ah yes, bovine hedge, the well known parody site to Stonehenge
So people can stop b*tching about how they don’t know how to do this stuff 24 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
well fuck anyone with stupid, abusive, incompetent, or ignorant parents i guess.
Anon does the risk management 5 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
there could be two major possibilities here
1. she's using it as a way to get the arrests and tricked her previous boyfriend
2. her previous boyfriend did rape her and the experience caused her to develop the rape kink. Both of the people ive spoken to that are into the rape kink stuff, the consensual non-consent thing. Both of them had been actually raped at some point prior.
Fillosuffee 21 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
consensus isn't meaningless, its generally a good indicator. rare exceptions prove the rule etc.
also the statement "we have to be allowed to question everything"
this is true, however your questioning is fairly useless. The questioning of a soccer mom that read on facebook that greenhouse gas reduction gives her child's left toe autism means very little. A less jokey example, the questionings of someone who has no education on a topic are not very likely to be grounded in a quality observation or hypothesis. That person is not making any scientific advances, they are not contributing to scientific advances. Their questioning does not have anything backing it up and even if they have some decent reason for questioning it that could turn out to be true, they don't have the technical knowledge or skill to process that information in a useful manner, they can neither reliably come to useful conclusions from it nor properly formulate their conclusions into useful statements or hypothesis.
14 · Edited 2 years ago
Ferdinand Magellan accepts a challenge 5 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
words have meaning, this is just twisting the meaning of the word discover. Nothing about the word discover means no one else ever knew the information before. If it did the term "first discovered" would be redundant and yet it's very widely used in historical contexts, specifically for referencing which culture or inventor or scientist was the first to know a thing. This is also basically the only context you'll ever seen anyone being confidently incorrect with pedantry over this specific word, if someone said "recently i discovered that my husband was cheating on me" no one is going to look at that and say "well you used discover incorrectly because both the husband and the mistress already knew the information that he was cheating so you can't have discovered that."
Rawr! 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
abominable endurance is a strange choice for this meme seeing as its effect only lasts one turn. Unholy indenture does basically the same thing but as an effect that stays around until its triggered rather than only keeping the creature from dying for the first time during the turn its played.
even if we assume this was created before unholy indenture was released they could have went with unhallowed pack's art as it does the same thing but less powerfully than unholy indenture.
LOL .. the morals of a seagull 1 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
have you ever seen a dog?
the things listed here are
1. so fast
2. so many teeth
3. know how to scream
4. aren't afraid to scream
my friend you've just described a husky
No shame 12 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
so killing and eating a mute is on the table?
Smol brian 15 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
For basically everyone middle class or lower you get more monetary value benefit out of taxes than you put in. Taxes provide services that aren't looking to profit off of you, meaning taxed based social versions of something that would otherwise be a private business can run at a lose when their private business would be trying to make a profit. The alternative to taxes is paying more for the same thing.
Fillosuffee 18 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
Because of a ruling in a case where PETA sued a photographer for using an image that a monkey accidentally took of itself using his camera, in America for something to be copyrightable it must have been created explicitly by a human. This means that anything that's not created by a human, which computer/algorithm/AI generated content would probably not be copyrightable. Many NFTs are computer generated images that are a random selection of like 3 or 4 "options" that the computer picks at random. That might not be something you can own copyright on.
Fillosuffee 18 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
one thing about all that, specifically NFTs. They likely arent going to actually succeed in their "genre" goal of well, probably even being anything more than a super niche thing that everyone forgot about. From a technical standpoint they are literally just a digital receipt that can't be destroyed unless the blockchain its written in dies or is forked. From a legal standpoint its dubious if you can even OWN an nft. Legally you can't own a hyperlink. From what i've heard from business lawyers and specifically copyright lawyers NFTs will probably fall under that, not being able to own it because its an address that links you to a "thing" which has no actual link to the nft, the same way that a hyperlink is something that takes you to a webpage of some kind, that has no actual connection to what it takes you too. It's an address point that can have whatever is stored in that point changed at any moment, further, a lot of these NFT artwork things are probably not copyrightable. cont.
Fillosuffee 18 comments
bethorien · 2 years ago
or just incredibly lucky. So many successful people or companies are only successful because they were first, sometimes by only a short period. A couple examples: amazon, they were the first to fill a niche and subsequently bought out any vaguely similar businesses within the first couple years of their running. Twitch, previously named justintv, they got in the live streaming business super early and now they are literally just riding on the "i only watch livestreaming for one streamer and they only stream on twitch" to stay in market lead. As a branch of that, ProjectMelody, a stream that was basically the first first western streamer to do "vtuber" stuff. Now she owns a network. She got her start in pornographic streaming actually, she was a novelty. The first of a thing no one had seen been and because of that she gained a really big following. There was literally no one else to go to for that and people are oh so predictable in their sticking to what introduced them to a thing.