don't judge for people's physical appearance :) 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my gosh you deserve like a billion high fives! My cousin has eczema too and a lot of people judge her, but she's still so amazing everyday. Seriously I want to give you a hug
J.K Rowling, clever to the very detail 10 comments
· 11 years ago
aw thank you! If anyone is up to the idea, I would love to have group chats
J.K Rowling, clever to the very detail 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah... Like sixty four people down voted it so I just thought people didn't like the idea
True, guys. 35 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't matter what others think about you. If people closest to you know that you can't help being who you are, then that's all that matters. I bet your beautiful Emily, and I'm sorry that people even have the nerve to even doubt your image. Just know what what you think of yourself, matters the most. The other haters are just background music; you can block it out.
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 11 years ago
aw bumblebee, I'm here too if you ever need someone to talk to. My kik is asyungurll
True, guys. 35 comments
· 11 years ago
Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I wouldn't support a anorexic person or obese person. If I found my friend haven't anorexic problems, I would try to help them, and the same goes for an obese person. You're right for saying that we have no room to judge, but I wouldn't exactly say support.
When I Got My Blue Star (12-23-13) 40 comments
I am confused... 16 comments
Rings 13 comments
· 11 years ago
you know those desks with the holes in the metal frame? this kid next to me got his finger stuck in it once in class, and the firefighters had to come and saw him out
The updated bible 2 comments
· 11 years ago
"bammin' slam in' bootylicious. I swear someone is going to made a completely modernized version of the bible
In a parallel universe 4 comments
Love these candles 7 comments
· 11 years ago
My friend actually got one of these. They're called Pyropets from Kickstarter and are actually like eight inches tall
How to know a girl's relationship status 9 comments
To all the girls out there 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Bella lived in some magical world where vampires are sparkly and rich and werewolves fall in love with her or whatever, but Katniss's world? It was more realistic. Yeah there's no Panem or thirteen districts, but c'mon. Katniss didn't kill little kids, and when she killed someone, it deeply tramautized her. She kept Rue safe, because Rue was like her sister, and protected her, even knowing that only one could survive. She chose an old lady on her team. Katniss did fight society, by playing against their rules, and that allowed Peeta to survive. She didn't want to kill anyone.
To all the girls out there 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Really? I mean sure Bella may have fought for what she believed it, but I hardly found her a good role model. Katniss actually fought against society, and became a role model in the books and to the readers because she was able to show who the true enemy was. She was compassionate even when desperate for survival, and she wouldn't let Peeta die. She sacrificed herself for her sister, and I think that's the best example of how she was so great. Bella just begged for immortality. Her sense of purpose most of the time was trying to find who she loved, and she didn't really save anyone. The only thing she fought for, was her feelings, and want she wanted. Everyone wanted to save Bella, and it was always about her. Do we want to look up to someone who got coddled all the time? Katniss, on the other hand, even when everyone wanted to save her because she was the image of rebellion, she still tried to save Peeta. I can't think that Bella remotely even came close to Katniss.
Forgive me if this is a repost. 4 comments
· 11 years ago
jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke some marijuana. jack got high and dropped his fly and said "do you wanna." Jill said yes and dropped her dress and they had lots of fun, but Jill forgot to take her pill and now they have a son.