Benni Benjiman


— Benni Benjiman Report User
How much did he really learn though? 6 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
He may be able to handle some of the oral exams, especially those on the surfaces of trees and the texture of sandpaper.
I would never put my tongue on this 22 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
I can't imagine anyone who would lick butthole without also putting genitals in their mouth, but I'd say that's pretty close. Most adults have given oral sex at some time. I only know 2 people who have been sexually active and admitted they haven't engaged in oral sex and that is for religious reasons (and I know far more than 40 people).
Oh Grandpa! 11 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
You're welcome :)
Oh Canada, our home and native land! 38 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
US dollars are partially fabric, so they are waterproof, in the fact that they can get wet and then dry, but they will get wet. Canadian cash is basically like a plastic now, so it won't absorb any water. I send American notes through the wash all the time (when I leave them in my pockets).
If this isn't a repost, its awesome. If it IS, it's still awesome, but I'll delete it 10 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
I don't get shit about it, the Admins just delete stuff I post
Respect this Man's dying wish 23 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
Oh there is also 6.2% social security tax and 1.45% medicaid. So the total taken out of $500,000 is actually 47.25% or $236,650 in taxes.
Respect this Man's dying wish 23 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
I hate to get political, but currently as far as taxes go, anyone making over $415,000 a year is paying 39.6% in taxes. Meaning for every $500,000 you earn, you pay $198,000 in taxes. I'm curious how much more should successful people pay? And if so many people are behind this "tax the rich" why aren't people volunteering the income? Do you think Bill Gates is not allowed to just GIVE the an extra million or 2 million to the government? The fact is there is nothing stopping that.
He was 7 at the time 7 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
There are websites my work filter blocks all the time, that I wouldn't consider porn. They also wouldn't be the sites a 7 year old should be on either. The kid could have just been looking up cheat codes for call of duty on reddit and it got flagged.
Accurate? 17 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
I think we found the overly sensitive idiot!
This would suck 11 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
heyhay, that's a different website. A repost is something that was posted on THIS website before.
All day 4 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
Actually a better example of that would be Death Race 2, where that's exactly what happened. Just because something has been done, doesn't mean you can't do it better. Myspace < Facebook... Palm Treo < iPhone
So sweet 8 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
I had never seen this before, that's why I posted it. It has since gone to the popular page, and I can't delete it. Please feel free to contact the admins and notify them so they can remove it, as I cannot.
Look what we made 5 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
Good luck putting a condom on a dog!
Scary 5 16 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
'cause its scary!!!
May be inappropriate for younger viewers
Scary 3 22 comments
benniboomboom · 8 years ago
What happened to my fun halloween post?
Pimp priority seating 8 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
I think that's for the Blind, but I'm pretty sure they can't read it
Glow in the dark panties 19 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
No you have to wear this one runner! Then post pictures
He Really Does 9 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
I love Jon Lajoie! For anyone who downvoted that comment, please watch this video:
· Edited 9 years ago
Some cat lady had a green thumb 9 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
Well played!
I wouldn't waste much more time on Emilly 17 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
I think its a bugle
What is it made of? 8 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
Well I could also point out that Nokia 3360s didn't exist during world war 2, but that would be totally too much logic :)
What is it made of? 8 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
Its not even the same arch. If you look at the first one the middle pillar is fairly wide, while in the second one it isn't quite as wide. I had to look it up, but there are a lot of these in Japan, pretty much one at every shinto temple.
Women 63 comments
benniboomboom · 9 years ago
The temples are on the side of the head, behind and slightly above the eyes. Its actually the softest part of the skull on adults. In fact, a lollipop is considered a deadly weapon if someone hits you in the temple, so I know the severity. I still say the same answer for a girl. If it were a grown man it would be different, but this is still some stupid kid.