Gotye G. Goose


— Gotye G. Goose Report User
Thanks, Satan. 1 comments
banrez16 · 2 years ago
Rats enjoy driving tiny cars 5 comments
banrez16 · 2 years ago
put cheese dispensers in those vehicles right now or you have no soul!
Cloud girl sleeping 8 comments
banrez16 · 2 years ago
cloud watching should be a well paid career path
Teddy has to get used to wearing a harness 2 comments
banrez16 · 2 years ago
when nobody asks what you want to do for a living
That look of disappointment 3 comments
banrez16 · 7 years ago
I wanna have Ronda's babies! Like so bad
All Rights Begin With a Fight 26 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
from what you said, only dumb people join the military and although you didn't vote yourself, you're still quick to point out the "bad voting" decisions of others. Hmm, got ya. For the record, I've served in the military and earned a bachelor degree. I've read your numerous comments. You constantly resort to taunting and name-calling in the comments section. Oh but I'm the one with the childish rants? Okay. And let's get a few other facts straight real quick since you're so god damn smart. Ways in which Trump IS similar to Hitler: 1) uses racism to rise to power 2) proposes mass deportations, 3) promises to "make country great again" 4) blames a small group of people for the country's problems (immigrants not Jews) but here's one way they're different: Hitler thought Jews should wear special ID's. However, Trump thinks Muslims should wear special ID's.
I know you can relate 5 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
I'll take a fat girl with a pretty face or an athletic chick with no boobs or booty...long as she's a geek really
All Rights Begin With a Fight 26 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
I have served my country and fought in Basrah and Taleel, Iraq, Korozco. I've watched sick interrogations of prisoners of war and seen the heads cut off of children in Israel. I've seen a man with nothing but a hot dog cart on wheels to his name be blown to kingdom come in Jordan just because he was standing in the wrong fucking place. So fuck you, Korozco. The fuck do you know? Are you 20 or 30 years old maybe, never left your parents house and probably voting for Trump because you think he's going to "make America great again." That's exactly the ignorant garbage that Hitler said. He'll make his mark with you. And if not, Hillary will. Mock me if you want but at least read some real fucking news while you're at it
1 · Edited 8 years ago
All Rights Begin With a Fight 26 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
6 of the top 15 cities with the highest rates of poverty in the World are now in the US. Only the Elite prosper now. The top 10% of our population has accumulated more wealth than the other 90% combined. Many Americans are afraid of the American government now. Our politicians constantly speak of building walls and taking away freedom of religion. Any simple Google search will confirm: we are the new Nazi Germany. I hope you find a modern day Winston Churchill because you're going to need one
banrez16 · 8 years ago
My apologies on behalf of all other stupid people
All Rights Begin With a Fight 26 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
The same reason all government military, police or security entities in the world defend their right to guns. Lack of trust in other human beings to protect your interests the same as they protect theirs. If you and I ever find ourselves in direct competition fighting over the same limited resources to survive but you have a gun and I don't, which of us gets to eat and which of us doesn't? If I dial 911 because someone with a gun just broke in my house, what are the odds the authorities will get there in time to save me. Ultimately, we defend gun rights because someone somewhere will always have a gun. Why should it only be the other guy. Because every mass shooting ever keeps going until someone shoots the shooter. Because by the time, police appear on scene, 50 people are dead and 53 others are wounded. Because mass shooters never start shit at a gun show where everyone in the building is potentially carrying
Check Your Human Privilege, Yo 13 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
How do people consciously villainize a wild animal for incidents like this when thousands of alligators and gator babies are killed every year just for the fashion industry. One human baby equates to taking the lives of every gator in the surrounding area of the incident for miles. "Humans are more important. Humans are more important." But that's all you ever say about everything. Every situation is...humans are more important than other humans, more important than entire ecosystems, more important than all other living things on the entire planet, etc. Check your human privilege, yo.
"At least you don't see them fucking each other over for a god damn percentage"
- Lieutenant 1st Class Ellen Ripley
My experience as an employer 53 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
You haven't quoted a single thing I said. Amazing. Am I mistaken in that this website is intended for fun? Is this actually a job interview, mr/mrs anonymous? That's great! What company do you work for? What positions are you having problems hiring for right now? Anyway, this public statement on a public forum blanketly declares "most young people I interviewed are completely unemployable." Interesting, I didn't think it automatically made someone unemployable simply because one employer does not choose to hire them. From what I understand, I am now unemployable, by some, just for pointing that out. Perhaps, you might find some qualified young professionals out here if you disclosed the name of your companies, the open positions you have currently available with salary and qualification info as well as your contact information...or did you just want to yell at people and call them unemployable in caps lock some more?
· Edited 8 years ago
My experience as an employer 53 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
Yep, you prove my point exactly. This isn't a job interview. It's a website for fun. You aren't offering a job to anyone here are you? You're simply broadcasting to the World (or agreeing with broadcast) on an extremely vague complaint that "young people don't know what employers want." That's an extremely closed mindset to have. The fact it's being posted on a fun humorous website is only testament to the desperation of said employer who is obviously very frustrated with not being able to complete his/her own goals. It doesn't accurately reflect the real hiring problem: corporations which are richer and more profitable than they have ever been in history have become so obsessed with maximizing short-term profits that they are no longer investing in their future, their young people or their country. Some folks will give you advice all day long but if indoctrinating advice and bad memes are all they're bringing to the table, they are the bad example
My experience as an employer 53 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
Lol so sit on your lazy employed butt posting internet memes that pigeonhole and bully an entire generation about it instead of actually hiring anyone simply because you don't want (or know how) to train or tolerate human beings who are from outside of your office/company culture
Never Been a Better Time To Earn Your Degree 14 comments
banrez16 · 8 years ago
Why couldn't he just pay it...true that. Follow up question: if they're arresting one person for $1500 from 1987, who are they going after next?
"The outlet cited a source in the Houston US Marshals office indicating as many as 1,500 more warrants could be coming soon."
4 · Edited 8 years ago
Raccoon knocks at the door for food! Lol 7 comments
banrez16 · 9 years ago
Poor Leo 39 comments
banrez16 · 10 years ago
there is no way for someone to simply say "there's always next year" about "Leo losing at the Oscars" without that person being either a major troll or just astoundingly ignorant of the situation
I love inflatable dogs 12 comments
banrez16 · 10 years ago
couldn't find anything else to blow?