

— badasslatina Report User
What a nice woman 21 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
That should be a challenge, 7 days of bizarre texts to parents... instead of all the shit people do for challenges that are quite literally dangerous
Lipsdick 22 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Yeah, i'm a make up hoarder but i swear he buys more make up than i do
and of the netflix nature, too 5 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Lipsdick 22 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Shane dawson bought them and used them on a video if anyone's interested on seeing how they work
Why you lying? 7 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Why would they not even google that
Wendy is a thug 7 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Idk who is in charge of wendy's twitter but he/she deserves a raise
Water world 34 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
You can shapeshift into other people but only as long as they are in the same room as you are (if they or you leave the room, you change back to you)
We should be funding this 48 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
It does say it adds an extra off the chart day on leap years
We should be funding this 48 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
that would suck for the people whose birthday falls on a monday
Bird watching 5 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
A can-ary
Satanic pigeons confirmed 4 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Is that blood that is spilled around?
I just got a bloody nose from sneezing, blood came out like a faucet 20 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
What watching the first episode of supernatural again is like
I set my alarm to birds and now I want to punch a blue jay 8 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
I had my alarm set to birds like 4 years ago and i still flinch every time a bird sings near me... worst decision ever
It's not easy for some to be a decent human being 10 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
They should make a princess diary 3 in which she is trying to legalise gay marriage in genovia and has to fight off the more tradigional factions of her council/parlament/whatever they are... and also something on how she recieves refugees
Make a great doctor 10 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Benedict as doctor who is sth i didn't know i wanted until now
B-bomb aftershock. Complete 11 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Okay, here it goes: it was the ending of the fanfic i think, and the bee had found out that the human cheated on him, so they get down to business by making the bee literally fly inside of her... once in there he goes aaaall the way up abd discovers a human baby, obviously not his... as he is way up the woman was having her happy moment and at that exact time he stings the baby killing them both inside of her while she was, you know, reaaally happy
B-bomb aftershock. Complete 11 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Once i read a list of funny and bizarre extracts from fanfics and one was of a bee movie fanfic... so if you want to know i can tell you but just know that i was scarred and once you know, you can't unknow
... And I sang this in middle school. 12 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
I definitely didn't know those lyrics...
Title not found, nor will it ever be. 15 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Kind of, but the whole concept of the tree comes from the pagan holiday... also the goal wasn't to erradicate but to absorb pagans into christianism
"No Kelly that's illegal" 16 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Actually we taught my dog to high five and she does the same, so you'd lose
My spirit animal 3 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
I really dislike them calling them the "game of thrones books"... obly the first one is called game of thrones, the saga is a song of ice and fire
It's a lie 5 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
I do not remember what that feels like
Why so serious!? 13 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
Actually there is a good theory about that by the film theorist in youtube... he says who the three jokers are (gang leader, actual clown and psycho) and says which one was portrayed in each movie, you should watch it i found it very interesting
the worst thing any stalker could do 4 comments
badasslatina · 8 years ago
... your sister is literally (figuratively) me