

— Arianacachay Report User
BBC just wants to torture us 14 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
I assumed that it was referring to America and not Australia because our shows here in America are just like those described. I've never seen Australian tv though.
She's A Real African American Because She Was Born There 17 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
You should not capitalize articles (a, the, an, etc), unless it is the first word. So you are correct. :)
Toddler socks make her look adorable! 8 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Omg. This.
Western media be like 30 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
It said nipple, not breast.
BBC just wants to torture us 14 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
ABC stands for American Broadcasting Company
She's A Real African American Because She Was Born There 17 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Made out with a hotdog?! That was one time!
If there is one thing more permanent than a tattoo.. It's a glitter beard 10 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Oh okay! Unfortunately, they also make glitter capsules for people to eat so they can "poop glitter". I'm pretty sure it's a gag gift, but wouldn't put it past someone to do it.
Kids today! 12 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Even in kindergarten and first grade. It is so very sad. We do all we can to get them help through counseling in school, but there are many hoops to jump through. :(
We all felt that 24 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
I'm not sure how you could confuse the two. The OP clearly said the man stubbed his toe? Lol
How they used to do it in the old days 7 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Oh, thank you. I wasn't sure if I was losing my mind. Definitely not the same.
Welcome to the marvel universe spidey 14 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Aw I like Spiderman! I love his sarcastic personality. It's funny.
If there is one thing more permanent than a tattoo.. It's a glitter beard 10 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
They have a company that actually does this! They send it in an envelope, I think. The receiver of said envelops opens it on up, and bam. Sparkle city.
Earth doesn't revolve around you 9 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Hey, everyone makes mistakes! It's only embarrassing if you pretend you are correct when someone proves you to be incorrect.
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, llama llama pig bang 19 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Ah. Must've missed it. Still clever, whoever thought of it!
Earth doesn't revolve around you 9 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Yep, this is wrong. The earth rotates on it's axis (spins), and revolves around the sun (moves in a circular motion). You guys are correct. :)
This really grinds my gears 6 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Yes. So much yes.
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, llama llama pig bang 19 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Liking for title.
The most annoying thing in school 11 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
True. But it looks bad if you are sitting and your boss (principal) walks in to do a quick eval. Silly, but it does. It's also hard to sit in a room full of 30 little kids because so many need your help. You have to move around a ton. I'll keep squatting. It's only making my butt look better.
The most annoying thing in school 11 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
I work with early childhood, and have tried this method. Your legs go numb because they need help for longer than a minute. However, I do make a conscious effort to avoid the scenario pictured here. I remember hating when my teachers did this.
Just imagine it 11 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
We go back to work a week earlier, but there are so many course requirements that many teachers use summer hours for planning, prepping, and coursework. This is the United States. At least in my district, it is required.
Just imagine it 11 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
Oh, and teachers who are not scoring well enough on these evaluations are put on improvement plans. Teachers on improvement plans who don't improve in a timely fashion are let go. They are also the first to be let go when there are mass cuts in teachers in a district.
Just imagine it 11 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
We do...We take hours and hours of classes each year and during the summer. We must take recertification courses, and we are formally evaluated on many different things 1-2 times per year. We are also informally evaluated weekly by administration. Trust me, teachers ARE required to be competent. In fact, they have added so much to teachers' plates, that many teachers end up leaving the profession due to the stress of trying to manage all of that.
It works! 7 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
So far, I'm 2-0 using this scientifically proven method!
f*ck you santa taking all the credit, but its all about the childrens happiness 13 comments
arianacachay · 10 years ago
A lot of parents have Santa fill the stocking and bring one or two really special gifts, and make the rest from themselves. This is something we do for my kids.