To everyone on this site as well 24 comments
· 7 years ago
I was just going to say what sir spiderman said, but with less force and more understanding. I find this fake consolation very unreal and don't feel like it could help anyone actually going through anything. I know for sure it wouldn't help me if I was in any mental depression. I mean what can anyone that knows absolutely nothing about you say about caring for you. Sure, he's trying to signal acceptance and happiness, but it's all void since we don't know each other one bit. Just my 2 cents
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, sorry dude. I think I see the point you're trying to make, but I'm just too tired for anything right now.
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow guest_ . all famous one said was that statistically black people are known to commit the most crimes, explaining why such a high % of them are in prison or unemployed. No need to put words in peoples mouths. Facts being as they may, why it is so can just be assumed with no concrete proof and is not worth arguing about.
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
All @guest_.
Dirty money isn't something I'd hold anyone accountable for. I disagree with you on that. That money was earned in a situation where something terrible was legal. The problem isn't the money owned through a terrible practice, but rather the fact that that practice was legal. Other than that, I have no idea what you mean on part 1. I think you're going way over your head trying to explain something we haven't even touched on in this discussion.
Edited 7 years ago
Dirty money isn't something I'd hold anyone accountable for. I disagree with you on that. That money was earned in a situation where something terrible was legal. The problem isn't the money owned through a terrible practice, but rather the fact that that practice was legal. Other than that, I have no idea what you mean on part 1. I think you're going way over your head trying to explain something we haven't even touched on in this discussion.
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
That's the thing. Everyone accepts the shitstorms. So let's accept the 'positive version' of the shitstorm as well and not ignore it as 'smugness'. Also, all acts committed by the British were down by those people. Their descendants did not have any say or part in it, yet still are held somewhat responsible. I'm not saying the slave trade was okay, nor am I a saying it was perfectly gotten rid off.
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm not referring to the slave trade or slavery, I'm generalising to when anyone ducks up in any measure, be it a large or relatively smaller issue.
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
This post makes a very good point. All the noise made these days about the sins of the forefathers carrying on to trouble their sons, here's the polar opposite, except these acts aren't acknowledged for their greatness. Being smug is necessary since every time you make a mistake, everyone makes a big deal of it. So make a big deal of the good acts too to counter balance that shitstorm
Edited 7 years ago
Check your grammar before you post 3 comments
Hermione is a savage 17 comments
Like Shia Lebouf once said: "DO IT!!!" 9 comments
Hermione is a savage 17 comments
· 7 years ago
Is anybody noticing Spidey sounds like a psychopath you wouldn't for the life of you want to get trapped in an island with? No? Just me then.....okay.... O_O
This man accidentally used his wife's menstrual cup to measure rice 25 comments
· 7 years ago
What's the function of that cup? I'm a bit reluctant to Google it....
Edited 7 years ago
But how though? 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Also, if praying in a plane, train or any means of transport, you're allowed to do so while seated/(as you are) without facing qibla if its too inconvenient. So the end result is the same
But how though? 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Qibla is normally relative to your location with a compass. So that app does work on location like you say. For example, where I live it's north west, closer to north, ~10° towards west. Not sure how to give bearings
But how though? 18 comments
· 7 years ago
So apparently we'd just need to face earth . not sure how it'd work from mars...
Love 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Dayummm. As an Indian they look like a dream come true, yet I've never heard of them... O_o
Trying flan 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Thanks @jojofan. We just call it caramel desert here. Good to know, and its awesome *_*
No one expects them 4 comments