Anjelica Hobbs


— Anjelica Hobbs Report User
/ourvirus/ 5 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
It's more bias in the standard of care recieved, there are black people actually being turned away from hospitals in China. Look it up , though it's hard to come by clear info .
Studying medicine 12 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
I needed this
The sleeping lady... Alaska 14 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
I see half of Obama's face
This got me f*cked up... literally cried. 5 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
I like straws
Dig your own dreams 2 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Oil does not come from dinosaurs
· Edited 4 years ago
Give me your best 78 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
To control probabilities
Nice 16 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Some people think it was some kind of money laundering scheme.
Enjoy your carton-flavored movies, mortals 2 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
I love Grave of the Fireflies , it was heart wrenching but good. I never really thought about the after effects of an atomic bomb till that movie.
Sharks feel pain, but the process of shark finning is to remove their fins alive and 10 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
If your gonna kill it at least use the whole shark
The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King. What's yours? 8 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Children who chase lost voices
Patema Inverted
· Edited 4 years ago
With good toys too 6 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Who remembers the cartoon show
The full black kitten story , too lazy to add a potato 10 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
I have a black cat and she's perfect. I honestly didn't know this , thanks for spreading the word.
A title? Where! 6 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Oil is not made from dinosaurs
Still one of the best Games I've played 1 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
I love this game
I knew it! 5 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Mathew 10:34 , Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Come on people 57 comments
anjelica237 · 4 years ago
Yes they should
People who are criticizing Greta Thunberg in a nuttshell: « She's just a 21 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
I agree we need change , but the placing blame on the individual and wishing for their death is not the way to go about it.Global warming is largely caused by big business, what can a homeless person or someone living paycheck to paycheck really do to stop that. She has no right to wish death on anyone it makes her comes off as ill informed and childish.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
F**k You Greta 18 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
Thank you garlog , some one finally said it.
Make Romania great again! Oh, wait 16 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
I hate that kid
Name it ! 10 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
I love the Greta Thunberg Memes 14 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
I hate that kid
Hello, gaijin-san! 13 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
We like what we like. Live and let live.
Hell yeah! 8 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago
My mom a house
I hope these robots will be called EnvIronMen! 5 comments
anjelica237 · 5 years ago