What do people have against milk 33 comments
· 7 years ago
Milk is only ever a vehicle for baked goods and desserts
What do people have against milk 33 comments
· 7 years ago
It leaves a funny taste in your mouth
Milk film also get left in your mouth
And skim milk is the nastiest of all milks
Milk film also get left in your mouth
And skim milk is the nastiest of all milks
And therefore eliminate smoking eventually altogether 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I can get behind that then. I don't know too many potheads that have smoked in public. Let alone meth addicts or whatnot.
And therefore eliminate smoking eventually altogether 34 comments
· 8 years ago
How will this make this any different than banning any other illicit drug?
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
@ewqua People still see Morning after pills that way? Smh the sex Ed system we have--well they probably don't even teach about that.and yeah, I agree. Before a certain point, a fetus is just a bundle of unfeeling cells. An abortion during that time is of nearly no matter of importance. And I wouldn't want a baby to end up in a bad environment, the first example that comes to mind is teen pregnancy usually ends up with a teen pregnancy. And even if the decision ended up with putting baby in foster or adoption system, the state is very poor and I'll-resources to do any good for tha kid.
So on one hand, kill a future life.
On the other hand, set baby up for almost absolute failure when they're born into the wrong hands.
So on one hand, kill a future life.
On the other hand, set baby up for almost absolute failure when they're born into the wrong hands.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
And... maybe this sounds immature, but asking a pregnant rape victim why they want this abortion... maybe me, personally could take most answers: I don't trust the state. I don't want to deal with him ever again, etc.
but I don't think I could ever handle the answer "because I will hate this baby" based solely on the fact you hate him.
Luckily, I don't run that piece of legislature.
but I don't think I could ever handle the answer "because I will hate this baby" based solely on the fact you hate him.
Luckily, I don't run that piece of legislature.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
I see where you're going with this, and although pregnancy itself is a health hazard... I have to disagree. Part of being an intelligent sexually active partner is recognizing the potential risks. If you get pregnant on your contraceptive or because your form of birth control failed, it was a risk you took if we have to keep playing analogies, then that's like gambling your entire savings in a casino. You either walk away having had a good time, or you walk out facing the consequences of your actions.
Because abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.
Because abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm reading that in a very non-accusatory tone, but that's what I mean. Rape abortion is a super sticky topic for me. Do we give her the choice because it is "her" body that she would be rid of? Or do we tell her, in those terrible awful prerequisite abortion videos, that "you were raped, and now another innocent life is going to be taken away"?
Also: from an unknowing position, I imagine her carrying of a baby would be immensely difficult, her body has just experienced extreme trauma, and I think I've heard of occasions where holding a baby full term is difficult for some rape survivors because of all the damage they've suffered down there.
Also: from an unknowing position, I imagine her carrying of a baby would be immensely difficult, her body has just experienced extreme trauma, and I think I've heard of occasions where holding a baby full term is difficult for some rape survivors because of all the damage they've suffered down there.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
Out of curiosity,
What happens to the argument when you are pro life/pro birth AND you support these welfare programs or planned parenthood-esque programs?
What if we support that that baby go for adoption or foster care?
What happens to the argument when you are pro life/pro birth AND you support these welfare programs or planned parenthood-esque programs?
What if we support that that baby go for adoption or foster care?
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
Guest, the rape situation is the absolutely most stickiest topic I think in the abortion debate. Because on one hand, the survivor is absolutely mentally physically etc. traumatized and now has to deal with he potential of at least another 9 months of a different type of pain. On the other hand, a baby is a baby, what did they ever do to ask for this? They just happen to show up because of a terrible crime and now they never get to have a say? They have to be eliminated because of someone else's (NOT THE VICTIM'S) wrong? That's not fair. Especially when if/they reach the point of heartbeat/nervous system development.
But maybe also the victim has passed the date of those developments, and won't report her rape or pregnancy out of fear. Maybe she still doesn't want this baby. That's where I'm especially stuck anyway.
But maybe also the victim has passed the date of those developments, and won't report her rape or pregnancy out of fear. Maybe she still doesn't want this baby. That's where I'm especially stuck anyway.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't even know what I lean towards, but I think it's pro-life.
If I were to be horribly raped today and by some miracle survive, then find out I'm pregnant. No. I don't want this baby. At all. But that doesn't mean that I think a baby should have to suffer the consequences of my pain (that's a poor choice of words--I don't think they should have to pay the price of death because I don't want to see my rapists face for the rest of my life. I am NOT saying an aborted baby feels pain--at least before the development of the nervous system). Yes, pregnancy is a HUGE weight, and a HUGE price to pay, but for the selflessness not selfishness. With the exception of this baby could kill me, or my body will kill it anyway. Or this baby will have minimal chances of actual survival or in cases of incest. I think a body is more than just a clump of cells but less than fetal development (that sounds weird) why should they pay for someone else's, and not necessarily my, mistakes?
If I were to be horribly raped today and by some miracle survive, then find out I'm pregnant. No. I don't want this baby. At all. But that doesn't mean that I think a baby should have to suffer the consequences of my pain (that's a poor choice of words--I don't think they should have to pay the price of death because I don't want to see my rapists face for the rest of my life. I am NOT saying an aborted baby feels pain--at least before the development of the nervous system). Yes, pregnancy is a HUGE weight, and a HUGE price to pay, but for the selflessness not selfishness. With the exception of this baby could kill me, or my body will kill it anyway. Or this baby will have minimal chances of actual survival or in cases of incest. I think a body is more than just a clump of cells but less than fetal development (that sounds weird) why should they pay for someone else's, and not necessarily my, mistakes?
Tumblr talks about: culture appropriation (yay) 29 comments
Photoshop lessons 7 comments
Commitment 13 comments
· 8 years ago
It was an old submission I saw on FS I think, but it said, boys have swag, men have style, and gentlemen have class. That's the difference. And same goes to women.
Well, well, well 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Maybe because they're too busy saving lives??? And they are too fighting for better pay, they just have a higher cost for risking it all and skipping work to picket.
Biggest Achievement of 2017 soo far 8 comments
· 8 years ago
That's how I learned how to do it--I don't think there's anything wrong with it, give credit where it's due though.
Tumblr talks about: culture appropriation (yay) 29 comments
· 8 years ago
Estoy estudiando español, ahora tengo el vocabulario como una niña. Dígame por favor ¿existe un sitio como Funsubstance en español?
Estoy estudiando español, ahora tengo el vocabulario como una niña. Dígame por favor ¿existe un sitio como Funsubstance en español?
Tumblr talks about: culture appropriation (yay) 29 comments
· 8 years ago
Nah man, that's chill. That's culture sharing. How else would we get America? Cultural appropriation is just a more ridiculous way of saying "racism" e.g. dressing up as a stereotyped Mexican not a traditional actual outfit.
Let's not discriminate 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Career wise, yeAh, we're right here.
Basic retail or opening positions?
That's the "you're telling me I need to get experience to get experience?" Meme. So I agree with both arguments.
Basic retail or opening positions?
That's the "you're telling me I need to get experience to get experience?" Meme. So I agree with both arguments.
Just a little something to think about 45 comments
· 8 years ago
Has anybody pointed out that these aren't really male privileges and that any real feminist is going to find this distasteful in the sense of, oh, I dont know, /this is what makes feminism about more than just women who struggle??/
Smh... as illustrated, boys can have it worse than girls...
Smh... as illustrated, boys can have it worse than girls...