

— aminalaughs Report User
Cheating 5 comments
aminalaughs · 9 years ago
ok how about t-shirt companies create cheat sheet shirts like this one. Seriously if you agree and up for it email at [email protected] lets discuss this cheez
I would like to know if it's possible 23 comments
aminalaughs · 9 years ago
Yes. Yes there is actually. It was on an episode of Undercover Bosses and the boss was going undercover at his bridal shop. The girl was deaf and wore a hearing aid and spoke well actually. Well anyways she told about her life and she said she was going to marry the man she met in kindergarten. ( I am a horrible speller and am awful at grammar but I did my best)
"After months of hanging onto my thinning hair, I finally let go and shaved my head" 49 comments
aminalaughs · 9 years ago
Good for you. You go girl. Do you boo boo do you!