

Biggest asshole on here. Been temporarily banned twice, have the most downvotes on comments in FunSub history, and I'm still rocking it.

— AmberTek Report User
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Oh ya, eternal is pretty cool too. And kinghitler. And german_satan...
In retrospect, I'm not that cool. I just go the farthest with my insults. I don't see YOU guys threatening to make the Sandy hook survivors your sex slaves to sell on the black market
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
See, even king admits I'm a special snowflake *blushes and winks at king seductively* °w° ;3 ;)
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Jesus, I left you kids alone for 2 hours and this shit happens. Btw @anastasia go kill yourself kappa kappa
Oh, and I HAVE been banned. But I got unbanned, because every site needs at least 1 professional troll. I was chosen.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
*gasps* Yes, I'm the edgelord. Bow down to your king, you little bitch
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Since people are too scared to post anything remotely "offensive" on their real accounts, I will. She should he insulted. She's a little bitch that lies about the stupidest stories for attention. If we insult her enough, maybe she'll kill herself. Then human breeding might start to recover.
I f*cking cringed 31 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Thank you king.. Your the only nice one here..
I f*cking cringed 31 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Bitch, I'm not triggered, I'm just having Vietnam flashbacks. You have any fucking clue what happened down there? Our convoy got attacked. Blew up. I woke up relatively ok, still dizzy. My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing. All I could see was red.. Red, and the ever-growing smell of sulfur. Once I regained my senses, I could see all my comrades spread around me. Their parts randomly assorted in a twisted jig saw puzzle. Men that had hopes, dreams, families. Then, I heard the ice cream man. The truck pulls up beside our convoy, and the ice cream man got out. Just singing "clean up, clean up, everybody clean up" as he shifted through the mutilated body parts. Counting the pieces, just singing "clean up, clean up, everybody clean up." He grabbed what he could and put them in the freezer he had in the back, right next to the popsicles. Driving off, I could still hear the fading song of the ice cream man. "Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up"
I f*cking cringed 31 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
@funsubstanceuser I will literally stab your fucking firstborn. I'll kidnap your 2nd born and sell them as a sex slave, then once their too old for the pedos, I'll butcher them and sell their parts on the black market. A full human body goes for more than 10 mil.
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Ricin in rice, LSD, every rape drug I can find, rat poison, bleach, the blood of a newborn. You know, normal spiking stuff.
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Are you kidding? I'd use EVERYTHING
cringe comp no. 69 23 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
But this one is genuinely funny, so it's ok to lie
Just triggered kids #4 8 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
We need a Hitler for tumblr
I f*cking cringed 31 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Man: "I- I just wanted a refill"
lying ass whale 61 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
I would have spiked her drink afterwords
someone give her an award pls 30 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Ya but what if they live in the ghetto? Don't have your white privilege. Can't just travel to the fucking ocean whenever they want. SOME PEOPLE HAVE HARD LIVES!! Not everyone just HAS A FUCKING OCEAN YOU RICH PRIVILEGED CUNT
someone give her an award pls 30 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Just triggered kids #1 43 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Speaking of killing children, do you know how easy money is to make now a days? Like legit, you just have to find some time to have kids with. Raise them up to about 8, then start selling them for money. Around 15 they will have grown too old, so that's where you kill Em, butcher, and sell the parts on the black market. Full skeleton worth of bone marrow is around 10 mil, kidney is 10 grand or so, brain is $250, ribcage is a couple more thousand.. I mean ya, it takes 8 years. Small money at first. Only $100-$200 a night for about 7 years, but then BAM 10 million. And you could like start a farm of children and just do this shit.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
What the f*ck is a foxkin 46 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
No, we need a Hitler FOR ALL tumblr users. Very specific
someone give her an award pls 30 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Kayt you fucking stereotyping whalekin over there? Whales can take the fucking bus if they want to, you cunt. What happened to equality?
someone give her an award pls 30 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
So was she whalekin?
thank science 8 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Was he even trying to make it sound real? This one is HORRIBLE
apparently asking someone out makes you a d*ckhead 27 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
I think we all know who the real asshole was.
It was me. Duh.
What the f*ck is a foxkin 46 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
I have never, and will never, respect anyone past transgender. They wanna get into foxkin bullshit, ima tear down their safe zone and send em to the mental hospital where they belong.
con you die of cringe? cause with all of these I've been feeling physically cringing 24 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
Now this one isn't THAT crazy. If it was Oregon, totally believeable. I just want people like that to get fucking jumped afterwords. She's walking out with her $10, feeling all cocky like "Oh ya I just told of a group of large probably poor gangster ass men" then those men just fucking pull her off the street and beat the shit out of her. Learn your lesson that way.
And then the eggs clapped 24 comments
ambertek · 8 years ago
So.. Two adult males.. Ran away.. From a female store clerk.. Throwing eggs.. Mhm.