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Yes dear! 3 comments
amazingchocolate · 6 years ago
Veganism causes autism 28 comments
amazingchocolate · 7 years ago
I do too :) since my sister has been diagnosed with asperger I have read a lot about autism. What I have seem to notice about a lot of people is that (almost) every one has at least to some extent some kind of autism. And I don't see a problem in that. Every person is different and comes with their own perks. And just because some of these "perks" are (seen as) autistic they are seen as something negative.
Well this was kinda off-topic, but I just wanted to react to the previous comment :)
Noooo~ 14 comments
amazingchocolate · 7 years ago
Oh boy, that escalated quickly
Noooo~ 14 comments
amazingchocolate · 7 years ago
It is :)
Chris Pratt 5 comments
amazingchocolate · 8 years ago
He is my absolute favorite human being.
Small nutella fact 21 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Yes! Nutella has a slightly different taste (and consistency) in every country. I live in the Netherlands, but I prefer the Italian one, because it's more liquidish than the Dutch one. And it has more of a hazelnut taste.
2 · Edited 9 years ago
Thanks for waiting 8 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Because the person who made the screenshot is from a country where the native language isn't English
Wut? 18 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
"Bok" means "poop" in Turkish..
More Chinese were killed than Jews 40 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Yeahh rain in the Netherlands is nothing compared to the rain in Australia. But Australia does have very dry periods, which we don't have in the Netherlands. And what you said about Sidney is also exactly what happened here in the Randstad. Cities keep expanding until they can't expand anymore.
An example of a Dutch sentence translated to English is 'Ik doe dat nooit'. In English it is 'I never do that' and literally translated from Dutch it is 'I do that never'. Or 'I don't know' is 'I know don't' Also 'this book is about..' is in dutch 'this book goes about'.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
More Chinese were killed than Jews 40 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
The Netherlands is indeed a beautiful country, but if you live here you don't think about it or see it. But that is probably the same for every country. I live nearby Rotterdam and we call the area around Rotterdam the 'Randstand'. There are a lot of cities very close to eachother, it's almost like it's one big city. However, on the other side of the country it's the opposite. And about the sky: that's true unfortunately. At the moment the sky is grey :( (but it's 8 o'clock in the morning and it is going to rain today). And you spelt that right! But you have to add 1 word: 'te'. Aangenaam kennis te maken. Nice TO meet you :p but Dutch is a diffucult language, even for Dutch people. The way we construct a sentence is different than in English, so we can't just translate a sentence to english the we say it in dutch. That can be very difficult.
Day 25 of your daily dose of cute: Slothity sloth sloth 10 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
How could you NOT love them :'-(
Day 25 of your daily dose of cute: Slothity sloth sloth 10 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Sloths are soooo adorable <3 I love your daily doses of cuteness!
More Chinese were killed than Jews 40 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
I've never heard of 'selective breeding' in Australia, so I'm definetely going to watch that movie. Thank you for sharing :-) by the way, we have this tv show in the Netherlands called 'all you need is love'. And every year around christmas time it is called 'all you need is love goes down under', because they reunite Dutch people with family or friends in Australia. Some of them haven't seen eachother for years and sometimes people have grandchildren they never met irl before. It is a very touching show, if you like to see it I have a link to an episode when 4 sisters see eachother again after a couple of years: You can skip to the 9th or 10th minute, because I don't think you will understand the first part, because it's in Dutch :p
More Chinese were killed than Jews 40 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
@thesakanakid No, I haven't seen that movie. I'll look it up! And yes Australian history is very short, especially compared to European history. But American history, and by that I mean the history of the United States, is also very short. The only difference is that the US had a much bigger influence on Europe after the war. And yes :D a Dutch ship arrived in 1606, and they called Australia 'New-Holland', however they never made a colony of it. But I know that a lot of people from the Netherlands live in Australia, so a part of the Australian population does speak Dutch! haha. I also have family living in Australia, but planetickets are so expensive. Or you have to make a lot of intermediate stops. Too bad, because I would like to go there. @wittyusernamehere I also liked American history a lot! The history of the US was the subject of the final exams in the Netherlands, so we did learn a lot about it. To be honest, I thought I wouldn't like it a first, but that wasn't the case at all
More Chinese were killed than Jews 40 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
That sounds very interesting, I've never heard of the stolen generation (or maybe we call it different here). I'm going to look that up. We do get to learn a few things about Australia here in Europe, but sadly enough the history of Australia is summarized in like 1 page.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
More Chinese were killed than Jews 40 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
I'm a history student. I don't know what the american textbooks say, because I don't live or go to school there. But I can confirm the things above and I can also tell you that in European history textbooks the numer of native Americans that were killed by Europeans is mentioned. When the Europeans came they brought diseases with them, which killed like almost the entire native population of america. They also killed a lot of natives, because they wanted power (f.i.) The rest of the population was indeed killed by the Americans (former-Europeans) themselves. But what you are teached also depends on the continent or country you live in. I live in Europe, so our history books mainly focuse on Europe and we also learn some things about the United States. We get to learn things about Asia, but not as much as we learn about Europe. But it still seems unreal to me that an American textbook won't mention the number of Indians that were killed, because America is not like North-Korea f.i.
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Thank you for the compliment :-)
And I know, discussions are a good thing. It's a way to share ideas and (as you already pointed out) to prove a point, but in discussions involving racism it always ends with a fight. And it is not that weird, considering the fact that racism is a sore point for a lot of people. But at the moment there's this discussion in my country (the Netherlands), about 'Zwarte Piet'. People are arguing a lot and it is not even a discussion anymore. It has escalated so far, that some people are even receiving death threads. I just hope that even thought there is a discussion here on Funsubstance, people don't start hating on eachother, because that would be too bad.
Who wants to do this with me? 6 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
I volunteer!
Good news everyone! 10 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
I read the title in his voice!
Moon Moon's little brother 210 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Star One The Terror of Europe..
Bus stops in germany has books 18 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
I don't live in Germany, but I actually saw one in Münster when I was there.
Netherlands rolled out the first solar powered roadway (bike path) today 8 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
Yes, and for the traffic lights!
How to remove blackheads 10 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
If you have sensitive skin you also need to use toothpaste without menthol!
Calvin and Hobbes...It's Beautiful 80 comments
amazingchocolate · 9 years ago
This was so touching :'-(