She made it 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Not necessarily. If she lost it gradually over a year or 2, she probably wouldn't have any excess skin.
Women can be emotional creatures 15 comments
It probably is a gift from god 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I had a guy like that in my grade in high school. He never did any homework- ever. And he hardly ever came to class. But because he was so smart (like, I think he was even a member of Mensa) he ended up acing every single test without even studying. Seriously, I don't think he ever got lower than a 100% on a test. It was so infuriating.
"She can pat me down any time" 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Me: *sees really old, overweight guy*
Brain: "I'm gonna imagine what it's like to have sex with him."
Me: "Nooooo, brain, pls stop."
Brain: "I'm gonna do it."
Brain: "I did it; it is done."
Me: "WHY, BRAIN, WHY?!?"
Brain: "I'm gonna imagine what it's like to have sex with him."
Me: "Nooooo, brain, pls stop."
Brain: "I'm gonna do it."
Brain: "I did it; it is done."
Me: "WHY, BRAIN, WHY?!?"
Ded 7 comments
· 9 years ago
She might not even be over 13, though. And even if she were, that doesn't exactly qualify as "grown ass woman"...
How to look cool this Winter 8 comments
More 'Whos Line Is It Anyway' for everyone. 4 comments
More 'Whos Line Is It Anyway' for everyone. 4 comments
The time is now 30 comments
· 9 years ago
They both presented flawed arguments, but he's a complete idiot if he thinks the pride flag- which has long been a symbol of love and equality- and the confederate flag- which has been used by several extremist hate groups, including the KKK, to justify and symbolize their hatred- are even remotely comparable.
The sience guy knows 63 comments
To our friends in France... America stands and mourns with you 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Are you referring to all Muslims in general? Because I have a Muslim professor, and honestly, she's my favorite professor because of how nice she is. What so many of the general public fail to realize is that the entire Muslim community is not to blame for these ISIS extremists, and the Quran says nothing about murdering people who don't follow or convert to your religion. And you do realize that many infamous world genocides have been committed in the name of Christianity, right? Or are we just going to ignore that since Christianity is the "pure" and "right" religion? Every religion has it's extremists that feel the need to kill those who don't follow, unfortunately. Like I said before, it's damn near impossible to weed out the extremists.
Edited 9 years ago
To our friends in France... America stands and mourns with you 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Because the entire Muslim religion is not to blame for the acts of these extremists- that's why. So "sending those terrorists back to hell" would be perpetrating the misconception that all Muslims are terrorists. There's no perfect system for weeding out the extremists, unfortunately, and we can't punish an entire group, so sending them back anywhere isn't going to work.
Bro time is important 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Aw, stuff like this always makes me kind of sad. If you have to lie to your significant other about where you are, you probably should rethink that relationship.