Like really, double standard much? 45 comments
· 9 years ago
"Because it is preferable for one to put his penis in a vagina that has had few or no penises inside of it" So all girls should do everything to please men? They should watch everything they do just to make sure they don't upset any future suitors? Bullshit. And I don't know if you're new to this planet, but most guys here on earth will have sex with pretty much any girl, regardless of how many sexual partners they've had. I'd also like to point out that women also prefer men who have not put their penis into a fuck-ton of vaginas, so that logic works both ways, dipshit. The point is, you do not have the authority nor the audacity to tell another person (whether male or female) what their sexual life should be like.
Edited 9 years ago
Like really, double standard much? 45 comments
· 9 years ago
So men shouldn't take any responsibility for getting a girl pregnant? It takes two people to make a baby, you know. If a guy goes around having sex with a bunch of girls he could potentially get ALL of them pregnant. A kid is just as much the father's responsibility as it is the mother's. However, the risk of pregnancy is completely irrelevant here. What someone does in their private life is none of your business, nor mine. There are plenty of other contraceptives other than condoms, if that's your main concern. If a girl wants to have a bunch of sex, why is that any of your business? If a guy wants to have a bunch of sex, why is that any of your business? That's right, it's not.
Edited 9 years ago
But this one tastes like bird 5 comments
Rappers, do you even logic? (Part 1) 14 comments
*snap snap* 1 comments
10 of the worlds oldest stuff 8 comments
· 9 years ago
This might be my favorite post on here. Also, those socks look like camel socks.
Security verification 3 comments
· 9 years ago
It's cool that the service desk lady had a good sense of humor and knew the reference.
Swag for eating 5 comments
Who cares if it's an ad hominem? I think "dipshit" is a perfectly accurate description of you, considering the hypocritical, flawed logic you keep reiterating in all of these comments.