

Attention Seekers. Attention Seekers everywhere

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Now that's the best divorce letter ever 26 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
My brother is a heroin addict 13 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
This was posted by a real person a while ago, but it's a repost on this site, i saw the exact same post and title a year ago
Paper cobra 4 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
That looks pretty awesome. Wonder what structure makes it able to stand up
123 10 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
added curls into 9 and 7 for no reason
She's been posting crap for a while... I lost it 19 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
This posts reminds me a lot of some of the people on Funsub
Something to think about 32 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
So one thing i remember my friend saying was that your own opinion of yourself didn't usually matter too much in life, and other people's opinions of you were what got you places. just something to think about
Out for a walk 12 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
I seem like the only one who's confused as to who took the picture. Was it spiderman?
*triggered 10 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
Stealing and raping? I don't think that has anything to do with feminism, that's just shitty crime.
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Holy shit...this is why I check the mirrors in bathrooms.. 40 comments
ac1131 · 9 years ago
ok, i'm a bit confused. How do you 'explore' and find out it's a two way mirror? Wouldn't the only way to find that out is to be on the other side, which was 'in a closet'?