

— Neddih Report User
Faaaaarmaaa 3 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
What the study didn't say was what percentage of that was inbreeding.
Merry Christmas everyone! Stay strong! 4 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
I prefer to work. Why not get extra money to do way less work ( depending on what you do for a living).
BrøNdby Haveby, Denmark 6 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
Walt Disney did it better. Go look up the original plan for E.P.C.O.T.
That's one way to break the system 4 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
Then go to space. Problem solved
To the weebmobile! 4 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
Fuck you and your normal childhood. Advocating bulling is fucking unexcusable even if it's a joke. This shit is on the same level as making fun of someones PTSD.
So next gen is nothing more than a glorified pc? 5 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
Mark my words we are approaching the gaming singularity.
I miss the times. 9 comments
abusername · 4 years ago
Gaming on a laptop on bed? YOU MONSTER!
This is so sad, alexa play Despacito 3 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Well at least it has a lan mode and tons of mods we will be fine.
Quod probat Omnissiah 14 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Sign me up!
Cozy :) 10 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
I just feel like it's wasteful I would rather have another room or two. Being in a open room doesn't really impress me either. You have to pay to heat and cool it either way so why not have it be something useful? I will admit I'm very much into function over form.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Cozy :) 10 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Am I the only one who gets kinda annoyed about high ceilings? Like you could put something useful there instead but no you must feel "open"
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Gotta keep the world moving on Thursday 1 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
No thank you for paying me to watch Netflix because nothing is happening.
Golden trashbag meme 2 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Maybe a sign that the teacher sucks at there job?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Yup its Ishuzoku Reviewers.
What will it be? 20 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Yes. Cooking in metric is so much better! Who the fuck thought of tea spoon and table spoon‽ I don't know about you but I can never remember witch is witch but in metric it's 5ml and 15ml so much better!
When u a weeb 2 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Sauce bareback orgasm henti on fakku
Carefully hes a hero 3 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Kill the insurance industry! It's there fault things are so overpriced anyway. National health care works in every other developed country it can work in the us too!
Guys I think we need to re-estimate our goals in life 6 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
What if I down vote‽
Monopoly irl 3 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Yes but they got a huge discount. accounting for inflation.
Monopoly irl 3 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
You forgot to add and all the property is owned by the older generation.
Those were the days! 12 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
No I am not.
Those poor people 4 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Umm I thought that most of them were either on a trailer or in front of a video of traffic.
F**k work 29 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Of course not everyone could do exactly what they wanted but the higher the percentage the better. The world just feels too full of pointless busy work. If we can free up more time for people to work on what they want to why not? How much potential are we wasting forcing people into a pointless grind? Honestly I think the ideal is somewhere in between like you get basic food and housing taken care of then work to earn luxury products. At the very least I would like to see the work week get shortened. That was the trend for years and years and it should continue.
F**k work 29 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Yes we do need people to do that ( at least until we figure out how to automate that too ) I'm just saying not all jobs are needed. Hell I might even go so far as to say that some jobs are a hindrance on society.
F**k work 29 comments
abusername · 5 years ago
Do we though? We could almost certainly cut moast services jobs and either be fine or better off. Take restraints for example. No one needs them they are just a convince and or a luxury also I suspect that they waste more food then all the customers would on there own. The idea that we all need to work is kinda silly in a post agricultural and industrial revolution world. Automation has been happening for a long time now and I think we might be better off leaning into it cut the work week, rase the wage, trim the fat. After all economics is something we made and could re shape if we so chose.