User abrnrd Banned

Summer nights 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
That's terrifying! I don't know how I can sleep without a blanket now
She was probably addicted to crack 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
We need to stage an intervention
You might be a redneck if 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Your neck is red
Growing up is overrated 2 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
It really does. I don't want to grow up I want to be 15 forever
5 · Edited 10 years ago
Island in the Sun by Weezer 3 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Good song good song
I'm going to try this 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Your screwed than
There is a 100% chance you're reading this title right now. 24 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I'm a member! Yay! Thx! Lime894
Tooth fairies have a good customer service 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Good guy parents
Why moms shouldn't text 11 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Don't do it taeminnieah!
Just sharing some dog love 3 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Da baby is so tinyyyy!
This guy knows romance 6 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
He knows what he's doing
A boy with big dreams 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
maybe he'll even drive an Oscar Meyer wiener truck and hand out whistles to the little children! This kid is going places
Boy meets world's most romantic scene 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Why am I sweating out of my eyes
Really lebron? 23 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Come on man get it together
I'm going to try this 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Now I don't have to watch the weather on tv! Woohoo! All I have to do is look at my coffee!
21 · Edited 10 years ago
Lyf 10 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Very smooth
How the movie industry works nowadays 39 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I agree it was just as good as the first and the first was really good!
Its the thought that counts 1 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I want that cake instead plz :o :p
Old spice 10 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Thumbs are beautiful just like the rest of the fingers. Stop these unreal finger standards
There's something in the water... Could it be? 2 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
It could be a giraffe *gasps*
Here is Dubai! 20 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I must go and live in Dubai now, bye bye America
The Suspense is UnBearable 21 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Cuz papa bears eat baby bears and when baby bears grow up they create more baby bears, but if baby bears get eaten by papa bears there will be no more baby bears
When you see it... 18 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
It's the devils number, innocent one
I'm 23 and took an hour drive with my parents 13 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Im so sorry and that's really weird to choose a child's room makes it more suspicious
'stralia 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago