User abrnrd Banned

As a parent this happens more than I'd like to admit 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Babysitting little kids and I put them down for a nap and suddenly I'm addicted to The Chica Show
Magestic.... 9 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Majestic******* my dear friend but it is okay cuz I think ur cool
They also bought. 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Oh. My. God.^_^ there is hope for you all
Girl graduates in front of her terminally ill mother 13 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
That's the way children should love their parents. True love cuz she was your first true love the first one who took the time to get to know you the first one to know it was you
A golden wiener 20 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Cuteness OVERLOAD!!!!
This shit bothered the hell out of me as a kid 14 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
How the FUCK can I look it up in the dictionary if I can't FUCKING spell it!!!!
I think this is just common sense, but evidently not many others agree 29 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
This is what I sinned for chocolate is my favorite! I've been to hell and back and want to go again
I might use this more often 18 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Where's Grammernazi
Macklemore telling it like it is 27 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I don't think you understand @nande12 it actually takes a lot of courage and bravery to get help with depression cuz it's so hard to live with and usually people are embarrassed about having it because they think no ones gonna believe them or someone's gonna say it's not a real thing when it very truly is. Suicide is not a wimpy way to go. People actually have to work up the courage to commit suicide because it's such a complicated hard thing to do. Yes they care about the people in their lives but they think those people would be better off without them. Also as others have said it's very expensive to get help. So please get the facts before u say something mean that isn't true and could hurt someone. Sorry for being rude like this but it's the truth.
A bumper car on a trike 4 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Where'd you get your trike car?
Wear those Uggs proud.... 15 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
The innocence is strong with this one 26 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Get off the internet and run my dear friend! Preserve your sweet sweet innocence while it lasts!
Palm sunday 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Omg it works perfectly with the tune of wiggle
It is contagious 12 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Why the fuck would you wear those fucking shirts! Depression killed my friend and it makes me very angry and sad to see those shirts advertised for teenagers like me today! Eelluuxx you are very right about these disorders it's horrible and almost impossible to live with
The innocence is strong with this one 26 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Very very innocent get off the internet and preserve it!
Stop snooping around dad 10 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Aww poor guy!
Beard attractiveness 5 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Apparently I must shave my beard since duck dynasty Cosplay beards are not cool anymore
Sailors, around 1960. 18 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Oh the pun makes my head hurt
Too late 14 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Don't worry babies I won't forget you!
That moment when you get catacked 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
This is dedication
This is genius advertising 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Sorry that was me! Forgot to login!
First two image search results 25 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
I'm 4"10
Newborn baby lion 14 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
The Circle of Life *you hear circle of life music playing in the background as rafiki holds up little simba and the crowd of animals bow down to their newborn king*
This is genius advertising 8 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
Relief for the eyes! Thanks radio 2
Numbers talking shit 7 comments
abrnrd · 10 years ago
6&9 *wink wink* *nudge nudge*