FunSubstance Creator


Watching over the people of FunSubstance

— FunSubstance Creator Report User
Whenever a famous funsub user comments on my post I fangirl a little 252 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
Half the time I have no idea what you guys are talking about
Whenever a famous funsub user comments on my post I fangirl a little 252 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
You double posted?
Zeus you need some Trojans 101 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
Protection ain't gonna save me from drowning in pussy
Sheep is for the weak 7 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
Goddammit Zeus 7 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
That's why people call me a sex God
Cracks me up every time 26 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
Nah, I don't want to be accused off censorsing again.
Dear God... 33 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻
How to make a pig happy 11 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
Because we're still testing it. We have to be more certain before doing it for more posts.
How to make a pig happy 11 comments
Zeus · 8 years ago
The watermark is a new feature we're trying out to see if it reduces repost
Zeus · 9 years ago
I noticed you
Friend sent me this. Apparently I am a demigod. 75 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
What about Gods?
Massive column of water rises from the ocean as an Atomic Bomb detonates at Bikini Atoll 13 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
Or maybe you never posted that image? Yes. That's definitely it.
Don't try to stir trouble for nothing.
Addressing some issues 108 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
Yup. It seems like it's still up to the victim to pursue the matter legally.
Please and Thank You 25 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
Let's consider the pros/cons of using hash plus feature detection. Use a hash with low precision so the feature detection can decide if it's a repost. With this, reposts which look different are already left out. Now feature detection would be able to detect detailed images such as text e.g. memes.
So now we've slightly better accuracy with speed penalty e.g. ~2 seconds. But in the current system we let the user do the feature detection part but with a higher hash precision. Also would be more work to implement feature detection.
Please and Thank You 25 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
When you've actually tried it yourself you'll understand why there are so few good solution. The only one I know of is TinEye. Just try searching this post's image in TinEye or Google Image Search.
Please and Thank You 25 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
The solution you recommended is a more accurate algorithm but it's also very much slower. The fact that it doesn't have indexing already makes it impractical. The second problem is the nature of our content.
1. Content are often presented differently e.g. the same text can appear in a tweet, tumblr post, or on a photo
2. Details of the content matter. Take for example a tumblr post or a generated meme. The difference is either too large or too small to be considered a repost. That means either lots of false positive or false negative. Of course this is still more accurate than the implemented algorithm, but not enough to justify the drawbacks.
3. We can no longer filter or index images and the speed of the algorithm is O(n). Take for example 300 posts a day * 7 days = 2100. Optimistically (very) each comparison is 0.1 seconds =210 seconds for each user upload.
So yes we do have a better system. We can't afford to spend months or years developing a perfect repost detection.
Addressing some issues 108 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
@tylerchu can you point me to a page where I can see how it work.
Addressing some issues 108 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
Addressing some issues 108 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
People are often led by their emotion. Appealing to them rationally does not work as seen in recent prolific events. Users blatantly wrecked havoc despite warnings from their peers.
Addressing some issues 108 comments
Zeus · 9 years ago
We deal with every case of bullying/harassment that comes to our attention. The lack of visible evidence on your part does not mean a lack of action on our part.
More importantly, you have to understand that the Internet is free for all. Cyber bullying/harassment is a difficult problem that even big companies like Facebook cannot eliminate. We believe that as the community grows bigger, such conflicts will be reduced and we (you and me) will be able to respond faster to threats.