Apoloj*zzing 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Looking at that last picture all I can think is "come play with us"
This guy is a f*cking champion 22 comments
· 10 years ago
While not untrue, this post is misleading. Current medical research indicates that body chemistry has almost everything to do with weight. The whole "calories in, calories out" thing has failed in every clinical test leading us to consider other factors. In fact, people who are overweight and have been all their lives have a much harder time loosing weight without medical or professional intervention. I'm not saying that the weight can't be lost, I just want people to know that there's a lot more at work than calorie counting can fix and shaming people for "not having self control" doesn't help. No, you probably shouldn't be ordering a Big Mac, but instead of pointing fingers we need to figure out what is driving some people to overeat while others have no problem turning fast food down.
Really hate these 18 comments
· 10 years ago
The "pimples" described in the post are actually something called systic acne. NEVER FUCKING TRY TO POP THESE! I felt the need to curse to express how important it is not to mess with these fuckers. Skin has 2 layers, the top layer can get whiteheads and blackheads which you still shouldn't pop, but we all do. The second layer can get infections that appear on the top layer like a hard, red bump, usually painful to the touch, but never actually reach the surface. By trying to pop these you just end up forcing the infection to spread in the lower layer and make everything much worse. They're like angry hobos, leave them the fuck alone and eventually they'll go away. Mess with them and you'll get covered in shit.
I'm not saying we told you so 16 comments
I'm not saying we told you so 16 comments
· 10 years ago
It's times like this that almost make up for our hypocritical church leaders *cough* newlifechurch *cough*
Someone had to say it 12 comments
· 10 years ago
To quote Hyperbole and a Half, "thinking yourself out of depression is like trying to punch yourself until your arms grow back. A fundimental part is missing and it isn't going to work."
Hush Hush - Alexis Jordan xD What's yours? 77 comments
Are you free 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Thanks yettalou, wwoof sounds amazing! I never knew something like this existed and I'm really motivated to do it
Edited 10 years ago
Just different 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not sure the op sees the flawed logic in this assertion. "Something used to be this and is now that" is not an argument, it's an observation. It's like posting 2 pictures of someone having a seizure with one saying "1500's, Demonic Possession" and the other saying "2014, Epilepsy" then summing it up by saying "SATAN IS NOT A DISEASE"
Alternative art 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I...I'm disturbed at how attractive I find DeVille. Like, I would totally be his lacky, no matter how many puppies I had to bring him, and illustrations aren't meant to make me question my morals.
My weird parking habit 5 comments
· 10 years ago
My car is always acting up in some way, except for whenever we're around other saturns, then it drives perfectly. I think that's why I love my car so much. We both kind of suck at real life, but pretend everything is great around our family.
Reflection fail 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Update, I definitely meant *they're. I haven't slept in two days. Don't judge me too harshly internet.
Reflection fail 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't feel bad 1st guest, sometimes commenters think they're being charmingly snarky when in reality their being raging a-holes. Most people on this site are actually quite nice though, so don't be discouraged.
Sleep paralysis is the worst 72 comments
· 10 years ago
It can happen to anyone. Many people have episodes once or twice, only a small percentage have it chronically
Sleep paralysis is the worst 72 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't worry, chickiecat, the rest of your brain will wake up if you are in any actual danger. Only a very few of the most extreme cases have ever resulted in fatalities and those were due to heart attacks caused by panic, and even then that was only after years and years of constsnt episodes which weakened the heart.
Sleep paralysis is the worst 72 comments
· 10 years ago
(Sorry, I know this is long) Without the ability to rationalize what is actually happening, your brain interprets the surge of adrenaline as response to a real and immediate threat to your life and actually creates something to be afraid of. Many who suffer from sleep paralysis report having a demon hold them down. When it happens to me for some reason I am convinced that someone is actively trying to cut my head off. Regardless of the hallucination, the one constant in sleep paralysis is the all-consuming terror. Fortunately, there are some treatments that have yeilded results in at least controlling the paralysis. First is melatonin supplements for less severe cases, and for the more severe, behavioral therapy. The best way to avoid episodes is to check your sleep hygiene, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and exercise. (Side note, if you can calm yourself down enough to slip back into sleep, an almost impossible feat, you will slip right into a lucid dream)
Sleep paralysis is the worst 72 comments
· 10 years ago
Sleep paralysis has to do with a deficiency in melatonin, a necessary chemical for normal, healthy sleep. When your melatonin is too low a baser part of your brain is more susceptible to waking up. In REM your body naturally releases a chemical to keep your body paralyzed so you do not act out your dreams (which sleepwalkers tend to have lower levels of). When the baser part of your brain wakes up during REM the first thing it wants to do is move your body, kind of like it's checking to make sure everything is ok before going back to sleep. When the body is unable to respond to the impulses telling it to move the brain interprets this as danger, causing the fight or flight impulse to release adrenaline. Remember though, your higher functions are still sleeping with the rest of your brain, so you are aware of what is going on but unable to rationalize with any kind of logic, much like when nonsense happens in a dream and you just roll with it. (Continued in post 2)
OMG is this a joke? Captains? Hello? Someone tell me what's the deal! 24 comments
· 10 years ago
This book was actually really helpful, after reading it I felt so much closer to my bijingo
This book was actually really helpful, after reading it I felt so much closer to my bijingo
my moo has more of a southern accent 13 comments
Tips On How To Prevent S*xual Assault.... 43 comments
Tips On How To Prevent S*xual Assault.... 43 comments
· 10 years ago
That is a genuine load of bull. "False arrousal" is NO ONES fault except for the person who gets arroused. Some people like to screw sheep, but you'll never hear anyone say, "well, that sheep shouldn't have looked at him all seductive-like"
could you imagine going through this? 16 comments
Tips On How To Prevent S*xual Assault.... 43 comments
· 10 years ago
I love the changing dialog about rape and rape prevention. Things like this need to be seen to put an end to victim blaming. According to recent statistics at least 90% of rapes go unreported because either the victim thinks no one will believe them, or that it was some how their fault.