Jerry Baughman


Twenty-one year old anime aficionado, photography enthusiast, bookworm, and general practitioner of badassery.

— Jerry Baughman Report User
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
No, not here. I'm talking about real life. The way I act in general makes people think I'm an asshole, and I act that way on purpose. Not saying anything against you in the slightest. I saw your comments up top, and you seem to be a very driven and ambitious person, and that's really great.
You are NOT getting my purse! 20 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Thanks for that. I must say I like you too, in your ability to accept others for who they are. Btw, my entire personality I show in public is geared towards weeding out those I wouldn't want to be associated with, and finding people like you. For the most part, people see me as an asshole and steer clear. But those actually worth knowing are able to see past my outward facade and are willing to get to know me for who I actually am. Those people are my greatest friends. You remind me of them, in your open mindedness. You, sir/madame, are an awesome human being.
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I know it seems like I was just building myself up at first, but my true goal was to illustrate that one can do well in school without appearing to work at it all the time. The recitation of a few of my accolades served solely to embellish the fact that I, as an individual, do not benefit from studying. My favorite topic of conversation among others is just how little we know. How little I know. There are such inexplicable occurrences happening every minute, and that while we claim to have a full understanding of the entirety of their functions, we simply cannot fathom even a minuscule portion of their intricacies and nuances. I love science, talking about it, and exploring possible solutions we have yet to consider. This is something I enjoy, but I am, as of yet, unable to see any possible career in which I could explore such hypotheticals and satisfy my curiosity on a daily basis.
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
My teachers are all pretty much pissed at me, because I don't try and they know it. I've only met one person I believe to be a genius. He's attended over 13 universities in five countries and has a double doctorate. Even with all this, he chooses to teach high school science because it's what he loves to do. And when considering all those out there doing great things, or even when exploring inwardly into my own mind, I'm reminded of just how small I am. If I tried, if I truly wanted it, I know I could achieve far beyond what I'm going for. But I don't want to spend years upon years in school for something I won't be able to appreciate as much as somebody else might. It's just not something I am interested in. Maybe I'm just being selfish, in choosing not to contribute all that I can to humanity, but that's just how it is. I can go to school for a while, learn to do something I love and enjoy, and then make a good living for the rest of my life while actually enjoying my life.
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Zeroes on homework and aced tests. Quizzes, no problem. Classwork, sure I'll do it. But when school attempts to follow me home, that's where I draw the line. I just spent seven hours of my day in that place, I'll not waste another minute on it. And it's true that this could very well hurt me, if I was to strive for something beyond great. But I don't need to try any harder to do what I want. I've already been accepted to my school of choice, and will start in their Engineering department next year. If I wanted to be a doctor, yeah I'd need a 4.0 GPA. But I don't need it, so I have no reason to try for it. I guess this is one of those rare cases in which it works out like this, and I am by no means saying nobody should do homework. It's just not for me.
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
So when I say I don’t care, and I never study, I am by no means condemning my chances of being successful in the future. I loathe homework with more passion than I’ve ever hated anything before, and so I elect not to do it. You’ll never see me studying, and by all outward appearances, I will seem to be your stereotypical guy who will achieve nothing in life. But what I choose to show to those around me does not, in any way, define my potential or my drive. When asked how I do so well while not trying at all, my simple reply is “I read”. I love to read, and have been doing so since before I can even remember. I’ve read more books than I have met people. It’s amazing, just how far ahead this can put you. The younger you start the better. My reading put me ahead of every English class my school offers, and even got me a 34 on the English portion of the ACT. So no, I don’t appear to care about my responsibilities, but that does not mean anyone should assume anything of the sort.
intellegence tops off 'swag' 34 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I put next to zero effort forward during school. My reason isn't that I don't care about my future, it's simply that I've never experienced any kind of benefit from doing so. I am not only able to hold intellectual conversations with others, but conversations of such high caliber that most people don't understand a word of what I talk about. My friend and I wrote an entrance paper that got us into a program through NASA to operate a telescope in space, though it wasn't the illustrious Hubble. After viewing their equipment, we realized that their controls were simple Arduino radios set to operate optical and gamma ray sensors. It was so simple that we constructed our own small satellite, and used a couple weather balloons to put it into orbit. We then attended a Nuclear Physics program during the summer. After completing our radiological safety training at Notre Dame University, we spent some time at Hope College and actually ran their particle accelerator.
I just figured out that the boy I have a crush on from school is on funsubstance... .-. 121 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
At first I'm just sitting here reading the comments and laughing to myself, not even considering that it might me be me, but then I realize I'm a high schooler in the USA and FS is the only meme site not blocked on our school computers....
Quick, check my selfies and see if it's me!
9 · Edited 10 years ago
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I think this right here is a prime example of people who care about you. There are people who are able to care this much without even knowing you that well. Just imagine how much you could mean to them if you were to give them that chance. If you were to give yourself that chance. Life is full of beauty, and you shouldn't dwell on the dark things and let them obscure that beauty. Find it, embrace it, and stay with those worthy of being around you.
and now i wonder 14 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
......I'm now confused, being a guy who has always known how to do it. I live in a house with 8 sisters. Are guys not supposed to do that?
Meanwhile in Canada 27 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I'm out, fuck this shit, not fucking happening.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
As I said before, if you still want to keep things silent for the purpose of preserving your parents' happiness, I would be more than willing to comply. But if you decide it's safe to talk via funsubstance while you're at school, that works too.
I love you no matter what you decide. You're an amazing person, and thinking about you hating yourself makes me sad. So don't hate yourself, for both me and for you. Don't hate yourself please.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Nope, I'll not allow it. You can hate the situation, dislike your parents for causing it (you shouldn't hate them either), or hate the people who treat you like crap, but any hating of yourself is completely uncalled for. To me, you're the absolute best person in the world, and any hate directed at you is out of line. I love you completely, so you should love you too.
Is any of this your fault? Nope. Sure, you talked to me without permission, but no parent should try to control their child's love life. There was nothing wrong with your decision to continue talking to me, and even with you getting caught, it isn't your fault we barely get to talk.
· Edited 10 years ago
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
You absolutely should not hate yourself.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Yeah, she asked if you dumped me.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Looks like one of those other people on my post has commenced the downvoting, so if it's alright with you, could we move the conversation over here?
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I am for real on this, and I'm really glad you're finally able to see that. It's why I've never really bothered trying to date in the past. I couldn't see it actually going anywhere, so I didn't try. I couldn't be this serious about us if I didn't truly believe we could make it happen.
Oh boy! Look at the time 8 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
The correct response is "I don't know, but he seems pretty upset"
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Sorry about that, I only wanted to show you what I think of the situation and that I'm serious about waiting, and hopefully, trying again later.
And before that time comes, if you ever want to talk through something, I'll be here. I'm here for you, for anything. Every time I wander into your mind, just remember that I'm perfectly content to be waiting, and that I will be here backing you up all the way.
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
I'm sorry to bother you, this is the last time I promise, but could I just get some kind of confirmation? I have no way of knowing if you've seen this, or what you think of it
Oh boy! Look at the time 8 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Who the fuck is Gavin?
<3 158 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Until then, I think it will be easier for you if you're not constantly reminded of me, and I think it is important that we have as little contact as possible, maybe even none. This will both make it easier on both of us while enabling you to respect your parents' decision. And if we're not talking, there is no reason for them to feel betrayed. I'm doing this not only for us, but for them, and for your relationship with your family. Keep my number (269-830-4029), keep my email ([email protected]), hell, even keep my address (1100 Bell Avenue, New Buffalo MI), and if and when you and your family are ready, I'll be here. Since I won't be seeing you in the near foreseeable future, this is where I'll bid my farewell. Until you're ready, love.
· Edited 10 years ago
The internet is ruined me... 14 comments
15jbaughman · 10 years ago
Doesn't work "E" is already taken.